I recently stumbled across a post on Reddit about people’s turn-offs in bed, and most of men’s turnoff were women basically not doing anything, just laying in bed and moaning loudly. So as a straight men, what kind of things that a woman does in bed that would make you say “she’s a sex goddess”?

  1. Eye contact
    Dirty talk
    Fondling her breasts, my balls (depending on position) or squeezing my ass
    Scratching at me especially my back
    Thrusting back at me, getting into the mood
    Kissing me (love that so much)
    That’s just a few. If you meant for specific positions theirs more but those are general ideas

  2. Be active and confident. Pull me into you, reach under and massage my balls in doggie, swallow my nut, tell where/when to cum, make eye contact, lick my nipples, lick my balls, lick my taint, grab my dick and put it in, touch my body….I honestly don’t get how some of these things aren’t common sense. Like why would anybody just lay there? 🥱

  3. Taking the time to learn technique, to show enthusiasm, to use visual and auditory stimulators (which are gender-typical arousers for men), to express your own sexuality in a sharing and open way. To be open to your partner’s exploration as well.


    My wife surprised me after learning how to deep-throat. She locked the door, told me she was going to give me a blowjob and then pinned me to the sofa. I’m never ever going to forget that day and afterwards our sex life changed in amazing ways. The things she has learned to do and the results we have achieved in bed together afterward sort of defy reality.


    I remember saying, “Sweetie, most porn stars can’t do what you’re doing right now.”


    It’s pretty typical to say around here (in a really sort of angry way) that “porn isn’t real” but for us there is something out past porn that we’re doing. As a lover, she’s gone beyond what’s even possible there and she does it because she wants to do it. I’ve never ever seen anything in porn that compares to what we have done and the entire genesis of that was her desire to be generous, to learn technique to be a skilled lover, and to use her enthusiasm to help me understand that within that moment, this was a gift being given.

  4. Enthusiasm is #1. When that’s present then experiments happen, ideas are discussed, experiences multiply, and bliss occurs with great frequency.

    Without enthusiasm things are at best static.

  5. No two men will ever agree on this but I believe the most common answers will be passion.

    If it’s dirty talking, simply doing it more often, going a little longer when your jaw, legs, etc hurt, or whatever else. Any way you can display passion and desire for him will be #1.

  6. While there is an encyclopedia of knowledge through each section of [this guide](https://366moves.wordpress.com/2022/09/30/goddess/) on how to actively participate during sex, you may be wondering what the best sex technique is?

    The number one sex technique is actually an attitude. It’s…


    Enthusiasm is by far the most powerful thing you can incorporate into your sex skills AND life. Think about it this for a minute…

    When you give your man a [blow job](https://366moves.wordpress.com/2022/09/30/blowjob/) (or [hand job](https://366moves.wordpress.com/2022/09/30/penis-massage/) or have sex with him) while being completely enthusiastic about it and totally focused on him, it’s going to massively arouse and turn him on.

    So even if you’re aren’t totally sure about what you’re doing, just focus on being enthusiastic. You’ll be surprised at how much this enhances the experience for your man. You don’t have to give a perfect fuck if you’re really enthusiastic and into it!

  7. For me it’s the authenticity of their actions. the moment I learn that a lover doesn’t like sucking cock she’s either going to have to lie to me and work twice as hard to convince me that she really does and that she was just saying that for what ever reason or I’m simply not going to enjoy it. same with positions or what ever. I have no issue with her communicating what she may like more etc but nothing worse than knowing that what she’s doing to please you is to her like working a factory line job or something. It may “not be a personal thing against you” which some have said to me as if that makes us compatible some how, but it is to me. I’m sorry you don’t enjoy giving pleasure because if you can’t enjoy giving it I can’t enjoy receiving it. I will also add that popular talks how culture has really fucked with the trust between men and women as it’s always portrayed like all women hate it they just lie. It’s said as if to not hate it is entirely a slight on the female respectability! Which is fucked. I think that double faced narrative only serves to breed suspicion and mistrust in a culture where we really don’t need any more reasons to mistrust each others intentions and actions and most importantly signals and ques.

  8. After reading the comments it’s clear that active or attentive / passionate / enthusiastic / Authentic engagement is what matters most, no matter what form that takes.

  9. My biggest turnoff was my ex’s shyness – she was anxious about her body, which I loved and told her so. So, for me would be this – The restraints are going down with the clothes. Meaning that we let each other explore new stuff and not be shy about it.

  10. Enthusiasm, taking the initiative and telling us when something is good. Shame these 3 aren’t more common.

  11. I am female but I also want to add that you will not be the best in bed with someone who does not attract you, does not turns you on, does not want to give you the best experience. It may be chicken or egg dillema but if a man gives a woman a lot of pleasure she will be very enthusiastic about sex and trying new things so for this man she will be “the best in bed”. I think most women do not like sexs (and therefore cannot be good in bed) untill they meet the right man for them or learn how to enjoy sex.

  12. – Lots of dirty talk
    – when she’s the one to initiate sex waking me up at an early hour for it
    – tonguing underneath and around the head of my cock
    – using my cum like body lotion when I cum all over her chest (mmm!)

  13. give more blowjobs ? My current gf finishes me multiple times in one sitting <3 (this is reciprocated of course )

  14. Enthusiasm and Participate. This is my biggest turn off with my current partner just laying there and doing nothing. I don’t even know now if it’s just shyness , too timid or just plane lazy. It’s tiring sometimes to encourage her.

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