Contexts: We are university students, and met on Reddit. We also met already last month and we’ve just been busy a lot and decided to meet recently

So last Tuesday we were suppose to have a get together, but she said she was feeling light headed and thought it was best for her to go home. To be fair she was already feeling sick before that but she wanted to meet Tuesday.

She said right after that she feels very bad for flaking, but she really does want to meet me. She also says she feels very bad because she feels like she has canceled plans multiple times already. This is kinda true, but we never really made definite plans after our first get together. It was just me putting the ball in her court and he saying we should meet again. She was busy because she was doing applications for a master’s program.

I simply said fine and that she has to pay for my dinner next time jokingly and that to get in touch after she feels better because I want to see her soon. She said thanks for understanding and that she agrees we should do dinner soon. I didn’t reply after that because there was no need. She can literally just reach out if she really wanted to

So basically the ball is in her court. What makes it better is that next week, we have no classes at all since it’s reading break so there’s nothing keeping us busy.

My question is now is, should I reach out or just wait until she does because I said before to get in touch once she’s feeling better? Because if she doesn’t reach out at all during this one whole week of no school, then surely it means she’s not interested anymore? Also, if she really wanted to, she can just reach out first right? So this would be the ultimate test to see if she’s interested, but I’ve been trying my best to not contact her because I want to give the time and space to choose me without me initiating anything. If she doesn’t this week, then I’m moving on out of self respect for myself.

So should I reach out or wait for her to reach out since the ball is in her court?

1 comment
  1. I think the fact you’ve made it clear you want to see her soon is nice. I suppose you could go either way with this, don’t message and see what happens or just message see how she’s feeling , ask if she’s better then see if she mentions it.
    I personally think if you like someone just message, instead of this “they should message now, I’ve already messaged x amount of times” (just in the beginning, obviously both need to put in effort to make it work).
    Plus she might just have alot on with uni (she might be struggling) along with feeling sick this might just not be the time for her to concentrate on anything outwith uni work?

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