Like is it something you wanna know on a first date or it doesn’t matter to you as long as the person looks trustworthy enough in your eyes?

  1. I might ask coz of curiosity and only after when we are really close but it dont bothers me.

  2. To me it reeaallyyyy doesn’t matter, but it does come up sometimes just because it’s a fun conversation to me. Who cares about past experiences? They’re with you in that moment (most likely idk) but it’s always so fun and interesting to see how many and the freakiest thing they done.

  3. No. There’s no reason I need to know. If it’s 0 or 100, doesn’t change how I feel about the person.

  4. If I consider her LTR material I would probably ask as a manner of values compatibility. If not I don’t really care not going to be around long anyway.

  5. No. I am focusing on the fact that she want to sleep with me, and what a lucky bastard I am.

    I did once ask a FWB who loved anal how many dicks had been in her ass though. But that was just banter.

  6. I never have. I have discussed previous sexual experiences with partners before, but never how many the other has slept with.

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