Dear women , what jewellery do you wear during sex , how do you want your partner to interact with those pieces of jewellery?

  1. The same jewelry that I’m normally wearing, so a necklace, rings, and helix piercings.

    I don’t want a partner to interact with my jewelry during sex.

  2. Just my rings (wedding and engagement ring and some regular rings). Don’t know how you can interact with those btw.

  3. Two small hoop earrings in each ear. I don’t want them to be interacted with specifically, but I don’t want them to discourage anything.

    ETA: Just got a “hey wassup” message. Friendly reminder that replies to this question aren’t an invitation.

  4. There’s no special sex jewellery I wear. I have some piercings in places but it’s not as if I’ve ever had to explain any of it to my husband.

  5. My wedding ring + engagement ring and sometimes a necklace or earrings, if I was wearing them already when we started.

    My partner doesn’t need to interact with my jewelry.

  6. I take off most of my jewelry beforehand. The only piece I leave on is the necklace with my girlfriend’s name on it. Sometimes if I’m on top she’ll pull me in for a kiss by my necklace which is pretty sexy.

  7. The only “sexual” jewelry would be my nipple rings/studs which I got to be played with so go nuts. I suppose those jewel buttplugs could be roped in as jewelry too so yeah, that as well.

    I mean, those are pretty obvious though

  8. Aside from my wedding ring, basically none. I usually take all of it off with the rest of my clothes.

  9. I wear the same jewellery as I always wear – small gold hoop earrings and my wedding rings. I don’t even think about them and I’m pretty sure my husband doesn’t either. I don’t have special sex jewellery.

  10. This made me lol because I used to wear a necklace that would hit my husband’s forehead whenever I was riding him. I don’t wear it anymore. It was either that, or he get a helmet

  11. My bracelet my boyfriend got me for my birthday. It means a lot to me so I don’t take it off before bed.

    We don’t interact with it in the bedroom. I just really like wearing it.

  12. Unless my nipples or genitals are pierced, my jewelry is not sexual in nature. Even disregarding that, I never want anyone interacting with my jewelry.

  13. Most commonly, my standard rings and my earrings. I don’t particularly want them to be interacted with at all. There are so many other more interesting and pleasurable things to interact with on my body; why would someone feel the need to mess with the bits of metal I adorn myself with?

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