So I’ve been seeing this girl for close to 2 months things have been great vibed really well and I’ve been myself and been in a good place. Anyway turns out she’s now shit testing me which I’m not here for. We hang out a lot as we’re in the same group at work. She asked for my number and we text a lot she no longer texts us much at all. We also no longer hang out at work she eats her self yet she now makes more effort talking to a guy I know well at work. This is all fine as she’s a free woman but I won’t lie I do feel jelous I don’t outwardly display it but it does effect my day. Surely being jelous is natural or do I have things to work on? I feel it’s not effecting my work load but it does effect my relationship with this girl I can’t help but feel less enthusiastic about her and I’m less chatty to her now which annoys me as it’s obviously got me

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