Prefacing this by saying please don’t come at me with any judgment! I’m coming to this community (hopefully) for unbiased answers and some wisdom.

I met this girl a few years back on a night out. We recently reconnected and went on a long, overdue date. Long story short we’ve had sex loads of times (been seeing her for a month), and been dating on average once a week.

Since my ex (2yrs ago) she’s the only girl I’ve dated who I genuinely find endearing and is super-nice and has lots of good qualities. Not superficial, very thoughtful, high sex drive, texts me, compliments me loads, tidies up after herself when she stays round, always offers to split the bill etc etc

None of these are prerequisites of mine but rather things I’ve noticed and I’ve been like ‘shit! She’s actually solid’

She’s cute. Not stunning. Hasn’t got an amazing body, but isn’t unattractive. Beautiful eyes…

This is gonna sound really bad, but her teeth are kinda yellow and I really can’t get past it…

They’re not Simpson yellow, they’re just a bit yellowed and… yeah, there’s no other way to say it – kinda puts me off.

At the same time, I’ve been on dates with girls I’ve found unequivocally attractive and I might kiss them but they invariably ghost me / friendzone me afterwards.

This girl literally treats me like a God.

I feel maybe with those other girls I might be batting out of my league, I genuinely like this girl’s company but I’m torn because I want to keep dating.

I’m not a fool. I don’t need to end up with a J Lo lookalike and I’m really paying attention to the feedback I’m getting from getting ghosted/friend-zoned, to give me an indication of where I might sit on the attractive-scale, *but* I’m torn because I want to be with someone where I’m like ‘Yeah she’s hot’ if that makes sense? Basically I’d say this girl is a 6/6.5 in looks and a 10 in personality.

I showed my sister a pic (she wanted to see her) and she said I could do better.

What would you do in my position? Is it wanting too much? Have I got a good thing? Etc

1 comment
  1. If your not happy don’t commit. You’ll only hurt her feelings in the long run by wanting more than she can’t give

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