What is the craziest thing you ever done in your life?

  1. Dressed up as a rental company employee and stole a car, drove it through two states and flipped it in front of Yellowstone national park.

    I am not proud of this.

  2. Ran with bulls in Pamplona. Definitely would never tell my future kids to do it, but in all honesty, it was on of the best experiences of my life.

  3. When I was 19, my family and I were going to move from the West Coast to the East Coast in the US. I was in line to take over my Grandfather’s business. At my job they had hired this girl to replace me in my position and at first sight, I knew I needed to stay put. Didn’t make a lot of money, didn’t have much to my name or even my own place but I just had this feeling that this girl was going to change my life.

    17 years later, we’re still together. Now parents to our 8 year old son and take on life’s challenges together. Would do it all over again in a heart beat.

  4. Met a stranger off the Internet.

    This was in the early 2000s, when it was still weird.

  5. Competed in Luge at an international level. Lived in India with my wife and children for 18 months. Completed a full IronMan triathlon. Survived 2 middle east deployments, and 1 to Somalia. Finally, mushrooms.

  6. Not crazy but hilarious and we still talk about this once in awhile.

    In my early 20s (early 2000s) a buddy and I suited up and went to a career fair at the Living Art’s Centre in Mississauga. After shaking hands and handing out resumes, we decided to grab food at the restaurant and there was a line to get in with everyone suited up as well. When we get to the front of the line, the worker asks “are you with bride or groom?”. Without hesitation, I just blurted out groom and the hostess took us to a table where there were a few others and some bottles of wine. At one point, .y buddy even started to tap his glass and everyone followed until the couple got up and kissed. It was hilarious. We stayed for about 2 hours, eating, drinking wine and doing shots. Food was awesome too.

    Turns out this was the post ceremony, pre-reception luncheon and it was open bar.

  7. I once dated a stripper, who keyed up my car, smashed my windows, and stabbed my tires. Highly don’t recommend it.

  8. That I’m willing to admit on the internet? At 19, driving in the middle of the night from Orlando to Ft. Myers while coming down off a hit of acid and mushroom tea. You know rainbow road in Mario Kart? It was kind of like that but less colorful.

  9. Climbed Nottingham castle at midnight, my friend lost his grip and fell on me, we landed on the roof of a house built into the cliffs. Then on the way home we fought a load of racists who did not expect the resistance we gave them.

    Also climbed a neighbour’s house in the middle of the night in a storm to fix his banging window so I could sleep.

    Also travelled to another country to meet a “sorceror” who was looking for an “apprentice”, although I did think it was probably a gay thing, which it turned out it was.

    I hate it when people don’t believe these stories, although I do undertand their scepticism.

  10. Climbed out a window 8 stories up at a hostel in Italy and scooted along a ~1 foot-wide ledge to enter my room from the window, because I thought the door was wedged/locked shut from a fallen object. It wasn’t.

    Snuck into an outdoor club in Budapest to avoid a cover fee by climbing up a tall tree and down ~7 feet of barbed wire from one of the branches.

    Played Texas Hold’em against a Filipino gangster in Cambodia, and the bet got up to $50k. I did not have the money, and escaped when his colleagues drove me to a bank to try and prove I had the funds. Fled to Myanmar the next day. Long story.

  11. Smuggled ketamine across the Mexican border. Committed armed robbery with an automatic weapon. Ran a crack house. Went through a phase where I liked to play chicken in my car back when I was a coke addict. Rode freight trains with cartel members in Mexico. Took acid in a maximum security prison. Did blow out in the open with the random girl sitting next to me on a plane, then tried to have sex with her but the landing gear came down while we were making out. I didn’t actually think about it before writing this but I guess I am above average crazy. Oh yeah, I also lost $180,000 in a bet one time. Lol.

  12. I used to compete in dragonboat racing internationally when I was a lot younger. When I was 22 I was a World Champion.

  13. On Boxing day 2010, when The Shard in London was being built, I climbed over the fence with a couple of mates and then went up the top of it. It was the tallest building in Western Europe at the time.

    Earlier that evening we walked around 4km on London Underground track and visited 3 disused stations.

  14. Broke in and vandalized a bunch of public schools when I was 16. Was doing it for months with three friends before we got caught. Had a $25k bail. Thank God for youthful offender pleas. Clean record. If I had been two years older, I would’ve been a felon for life.

  15. I have too many but this is a strange one.

    Driven an entire amputated leg and the foot from the other leg from a wreck scene to the hospital.

  16. Accidentally rode my bicycle on an oncoming one way highway bridge in a massive thunderstorm during sundown. Combine Google maps with mild retardation and you’ve got me.

  17. Unsure if “doing” counts, but I decided to build a boat with zero wood working experience. Zero tools as well. Today, about 2.5 years later it is ready for paint.

    Possible first splash – may 2023.

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