This post is **especially** geared towards men who spent more time online/in living rooms playing their favorite video games on their Xbox 360 in the 2000s.

Here I am, turning 29 next month and I sadly learned one of my friend groups just… disbanded. The boys are no more. So here I am on my lonesome trying to figure where to go and I look to you guys to help me on this.

Personally, I still feel like a bachelor at 29. No partner or kids and I still wanna enjoy a little out of a life and I remain a gamer, if not as intense as I used to be.

So to get straight to the point would be the questions I asked in the title plus: How do you make new friends and engage in communities out on your own with not a lot of friends by your side?

^Yes, ^I’m ^aware ^of ^the ^phrase, ^”people ^come ^and ^go.” ^It ^still ^stings ^:(

  1. You don’t. Friendships tend to die around that age. You’ll meet new people and form new bonds over the years, but that feeling of being part of a tight-knit group is gone. Most men will tell you that their 30s are very lonely.

  2. I’ve only one or two folks that I regularly talk to still from high school.

    The short of it is, people change so much in their twenties. Folks coming out of high school and folks coming out of their twenties have dramatically different life priorities.

    Meeting folks online though, that’s do-able. It’s the meeting people in person that has gotten harder.

    If you’re looking for a new group of people to hang out with, join an online group that is aligned with one of your interests. Whether it’s a corporation in Eve Online, or a woodworking discord. Keep interacting with them and you’ll find bonds naturally form.

    Just jumping into a new group blind like that can be scary, and maybe things won’t fit. But, even still you gotta take a bit of a risk sometimes

  3. No. I loosely keep in touch with two of them via text/socials, and maybe we’ll catch up if I go back to my home state, but I don’t hang out with any high school/college friends since I moved away when I graduated.

  4. I’m 31 and lost all my friends as they got into relationships.

    I’m trying to make new ones, mainly people I work with are my friends, I still have online friends, even ones from the early 2000s from halo 2 and things.

    However as an adult it’s harder to keep the new friends around as they have responsibilities

  5. My friendship group from school is still intact. We’ve lost some along the way but there’s a core of around 10 of us that are still very close. (We are all 31-32).

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