I would like to ask for some advice on how to go on with my crush after the first date.

I met her in the restaurant where I am usually having my lunch, she was working there for the last half a year and we often made eye contact when we met. I didn’t make a move as I was into other girls, but with them it all went nowhere and also I don’t initiate too often. Three weeks ago my crush asked me what my name is and where I lived, so I took that as a strong sign that she is into me, so I hit her up on fb and started chatting. I learned that she will be switching jobs and moving to another city 80 miles away very shortly. Despite that we went on a date that at first started out as a walk in town then ended up in having dinner together. The date was nice, but nothing physical happened.

After that she started looking for flats to rent in the other city, and organizing her moving out of her previous apartment, so she was a bit busy, but we continued to chat and met at the restaurant. Now she is already in the other city, just moved to her new apartment. We haven’t talked about a second date yet, but judging by our talks she is open to continuing.

So, my question is when should I ask to meet her again (it will be more than two weeks since our first date) should I try to organize something with her or give her a few days to settle in? The distance is btw not a huge obstacle for me as I have been often visiting the city she just moved to and I have many friends living there.

One other thing is that mostly I am the one writing on her almost every other day, she never initiates conversations, but when we get into it, it really flows.

  1. I would ask but say it more like ” I would love to go out again when your free, but I know you just moved, so just let know when you are free, no rush.” Leaves it so you aren’t pushing if she is still settling in but also lets her know you are interested. Could always ask if she need help with anything offer to bring pizza and beer if she is busy building furniture or something. Girls love that shit. (27F)

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