I by no means expect men to be actively engaged and interested in “period talk”; but I recently read a story that played on my fears when I was younger, about a guy getting upset that a woman had thrown away a used pad in his bathroom trash bin and claimed she should have put it in her purse to throw away somewhere more discreet.

In all honesty, that’s definitely something I did in my teens, but as I got older I kind of just got over the fear of being judged about something that – in my mind – is so trivial and just a natural part of life?

What’s your take? Should women be more discreet about the disposal of period products, even if it means carrying them around until they can do so? If I start casually dating someone or even just go over to a male friend’s house, what is the proper etiquette I should be considering in this situation? I’m honestly just trying to gauge the level of taboo about periods that still exists for men.

  1. There is only one situation in which I would say it might not be perfectly proper to use the bathroom trash bin, and that’s if he has a dog. Otherwise if he throws a fit about putting trash in the trash bin he’s an idiot.

  2. I’m not going to go picking through a bin, it just gets emptied into another one and chucked away. Just do what you would do at home and use the bathroom bin. I’d just be grateful to know they havnt been flushed so I’m not outside with a drain rod clearing blockages. If you are worried you could always just ask if he’s cool with it

  3. Throw it in the garbage bin. If he has an issue with seeing it he’s not the guy for you. Move on.

  4. The story you shared in the OP is sad and indicates to me that the dude is woefully immature. Men who make a woman feel gross for having a regular, natural, healthy, and *involuntary* physical reaction are shitty, immature people.

    Any man worth his salt should be willing to acknowledge menstruation and sympathize with a woman who is experiencing theirs. He should keep a pad or two in his house in case she or a guest might need one. And he should respect her health and privacy enough that if she discretely wraps it in some toilet paper and throws it in the trash, that is perfectly fine. Real men can buy tampons/pads, should be happy to share them with a guest in need, and respect a woman’s right to discretion. This is a non-negotiable for me.

  5. Wrap the old one in the disposable packet of the new one. Maybe wrap some toilet paper around it and put it in a trash bin, preferably one with a trashbag.

    If the guy is giving a fuss, declare that he is immature and dump him, not worth your time.

  6. Put them in the trash wrapped in toilet paper. Tell your boyfriend that they are there so he can get the trash emptied promptly so as to keep his puppy from attacking the trash can.

  7. Feminine products are like 90% of the reason those trash bins are there, as long as it’s like wrapped up or something it should be fine

    If a guy is weird about it I’d say that’s a red flag

  8. I’ve never cared, but I’ve noticed a few times that women will put a tampon back into the wrapper and then throw away. I think that’s a reasonable option, if you’re worried about it. Asking anymore than that is a bit much to me.

  9. It’s the only reason I have a little trash bin in the toilet, so female visitors can throw them away in the bin.
    If a guy gets upset about that then that’s his problem tbh.

  10. One of the best pieces of advice I read for a single man to make a woman feel comfortable in his house/apartment was to have a covered trash can in the bathroom, for this very reason. It solves the problem without ever addressing it or making anyone feel uncomfortable.

  11. I read that same story, thought the guys were both twats. Just sling it in the bathroom bin, as long as you don’t put it on the coffee table or on the kitchen worktop it’s good

  12. Lmao I just saw that post too. You throw it in the trash bin like you do at your own home. If the person that lives there has a problem with it then you don’t return to their house because that suck.

  13. It comes down to hygiene and pets if you ask me.

    Dogs can be brutal for digging in bathroom cans. Other than that, wrap it in a tiny bit of tp and toss it out! If he’s a decent guy he shouldn’t care.

  14. i had a girlfriend who decided that it was a good idea to flush her tampon down the toilet, after i had already left for work. then she left, without noticing the toilet was clogged. and running. and overflowing. a couple hours later, i got a call at work from the landlord. btw- did i mention that my girlfriend was also my boss?

  15. *” a guy getting upset that a woman had thrown away a used pad in his bathroom trash bin and claimed she should havep ut it in her purse to throw away somewhere more discreet.”*

    How old was he, 12?

    He’s an immature idiot. It’s a normal biological function.

    The pad itself is trash, so it can go in the bin.

  16. Don’t date man babies. I’m sick of hearing people vent about their unhygienic, unreasonable partners. Why are they even given a chance? Just bin the damn thing. If the man baby starts crying, bin him too

  17. Girl what? Wrap it up in a paper towel and throw it away in the trash can in his bathroom lmfao. It’s a TRASH CAN… they’re there to throw things away. Who the hell cares about what is thrown in their TRASH.

    Also they’re feminine products not some illegal taboo product. You’re a woman and you menstruate that is nothing to be ashamed of. If a man can’t handle that he is not the one.

    It makes me sad this is even something women feel concern over lol… this post depresses me.

  18. Don’t flush , it clogs the toilet. Wrap it in paper, or the things that come w pads , dispose In trash

  19. I couldn’t care less about how it’s done, as long as they aren’t left in the sink etc.
    When I was single it took me a moment before I realized why all the women made a surprisingly big deal out of me not having a bin in the bathroom. Thankfully at some point I got one just for them.

  20. Hahah! What’s worse: your bf finding out you have female anatomy or that accidentally in a restaurant you take out your used pad instead of a wallet?

  21. I have a stock of sick bags for the car, my gf uses them to dispose of her vampire teabags and carries one in her purse with her spares in case she needs one while out.

    She only uses them at home because we have a dog though, not because I’m such a delicate flower that I will be so overcome at the sight of menstrual products that I would have to purchase a chaise lounge to swoon on.

  22. This is fucking crazy! She should have shit in his pillowcase and left.
    If you can’t handle periods/period products you definitely can’t handle a vagina.
    Some men will always be boys unfortunately.
    Maybe I’m lucky. I grew up with a house full of women and learnt at about periods at a very young age.

  23. 1). Place foot on kitchen table

    2). Pinch string firmly

    3). With a flicking motion (all in the wrist), whip the tampon in a circle to generate force, and release it in any direction. It should be one fluid motion- don’t make it weird.

  24. Men that shame us for our period should start dating other men.

    If you want to date a woman, you get woman stuff with it

  25. Any guy who thinks you should carry around a bloody pad in your bag, instead of throwing it in his bin, is a weirdo who is not worth your time.

    Imagine being so fragile that you’d get offended about trash being thrown in a trash can.

    It’s no different than throwing away a used, snotty tissue. It’s bodily fluid that needs to be disposed of. Does it gross some people out? Sure. So do lots of things that go in the bin, that’s why they’re fckn there.

  26. I’m a man and what he did was ridiculous. Put it where you would normally put it (in the trash). So long as you don’t try to flush it or leave it on a counter or floor I am good. Similarly I won’t leave used condoms on those places . Imagine telling your guy that when he has sex at your place he has to keep his used condom in his wallet and throw it away somewhere discrete.

  27. Put trash in the trash.

    Honestly, I would have serious questions for any guy who is more grossed out by a pad in the trash than he is by women carrying dirty pads around in their purses.

  28. Leave it on the floor for all i care. It’ll be going in the bin either way.

    My mother always used to fill the bathroom bin with sanitary towels so i truly couldn’t give a fuck what women do with them.

    Although i would say don’t put it in your purse thats just wrong and gross and no woman should have to do that.

  29. Just PLEASE do not flush them down my toilet.

    I keep a small garbage can in my bathroom (as all guys should) for this reason. It’s really not a big deal. Any guy who thinks it is, isn’t a guy you should be worried about anyway.

  30. He’s a child who thinks period is a dirty word and gets grossed out when people talk about vaginas. My wife is a bit shy and will wrap a little toilet paper around hers, but that’s the extent of that. Never should you feel like you need to carry it around with you.

  31. I always wrap it like a mummy. I use a LOT of TP if it’s at someone else’s house.

    That way, if they go looking in the trash, they don’t see anything. And if they choose to unwrap that horrible horrible burrito, well it’s their own damn fault.

  32. Wrapped up in tp and in the trash is ok. Any guy that doesn’t understand that that’s just a part of life is probably a guy not mature enough to be in any sort of relationship with, even just friends.

    That said, my daughters carry a few ziplock bags in their purses/pocketbook/whatever and will roll up in tp and then zip up in a bag if they are at someone’s house and into the bathroom trash.

  33. That story was batshit. Trashcan is a trashcan, there is NOTHING wrong with discarding pads/tampons in the trashcan imo.

  34. In the bathroom garbage can is fine, just wrap it up in some toilet paper. If a guy is going to complain about using his garbage, then ditch him. He’s immature and you also know for sure that he will never do a tampon/pad run for you at the grocery store.

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