I’m going to sound like I’m a 12 year old but whatever. I’m a virgin (M) and slowly getting into my first relationship (with a F). When the time comes and we have sex togheter do you like always wear protection? So with oral sex and vaginal sex? And is it mostly a condom or are there other options? And when does one decide to stop using a condom?
Is that purely when you have a stable partner and you know the person is std free?

A lot of questions, like I said I’m a virgin and a noob on this topic.

  1. > always wear protection? So with oral sex and vaginal sex?

    Yes, if you want to be safe, you do. Now I’m not going to lie to you and tell you everyone does this. Oral without condom and PIV WITH is **extremely** common (but not safe).

    Stop using it when there’s another form of reliable birth control. As far as mutual STD tests go, people do that, although it’s also extremely common for people to just… stop.

  2. my ex and i were together for about a year when we stopped using condoms. we were both clear of sti’s, i trusted him completely to not cheat, and i was on birth control anyways.

    that being said, i don’t recommend it. i used plan b far too much during that relationship. (i was on the pill but it’s not 100% effective and we had some accidents)

    edit: i was 17. don’t listen to 17 year olds.

  3. As a guy, a condom that YOU provide is the most proactive birth control you can use. Don’t let your future be decided by some babymama. It’s a cheap but worthwhile investment.

  4. If your only concern is pregnancies, no need to wear a condom with oral.

    If you are also concerned with STI’s, remember that some of them depend on body fluids to transfer and some of them depend on skin-to-skin contact; if you want to be safe, you need to have some kind of barrier that hinders both (i.e, condoms is the only thing that you can assume you are decently safe with.)

    Yes. a good time to stop using condoms is when you and your partner AGREE that the relationship is stable and awesome, and you both KNOW that the other is infection free. But for the sake of pregnancies, not before you two have figured out another sensible way to avoid pregnancies. (most of those options, unfortunately, are all on her to do which means that the decision power is and naturally should fall upon her in regards to if and how she wants to do it.)

    A lot of people have…more reckless ideas on how to do this. But it’s kind of YOUR responsibility to keep YOU safe, until the point where you have a partner in your life who you can absolutely TRUST to also care for YOUR safety. Don’t be afraid of insisting on keeping yourself safe.

  5. Practice using a condom by yourself so you know what to do. The things are shit and break/slide off, and it’s exponentially better if you get the right size for you. She’s not gonna know your dick size before the fact so it’s better if you provide

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