I’m going on a 4th date with a guy I’m really excited about in four days. We slept together for the first time on our third date, but haven’t seen each other in a few weeks since I had to travel for work and then he was out of town, but we have texted a bit and have good banter. I’m really excited to see him again, but nervous he is gonna change his mind and cancel last minute, or that it won’t go well, since it has been nearly a month. It’s all I can think about and I can’t focus on anything else! It’s like I just want to fast forward to then to know that I’ll see him and how it goes. I can’t stand the build up! Any advice?

  1. Well, let’s think about this a bit.

    Whatever you do, it should probably be a little more than “Hi! Nice to see you! Let’s go jump in the sack!”

    No, a better approach is one which is a lot more leisurely in the buildup. A nice dinner. Maybe then a movie, going to a club, or some other entertainment. THEN you can consider whether the evening should end, or continue until the next morning.

    Questions to think about:

    * What will you actually do on the date? Since it’s in four days, that puts it in the middle of the week, and limits what you will be able to do (those pesky jobs always get in the way of life!). You may have to go hi/how are you/jump in sack… 😁
    * What’s he been doing since you saw him last? At the very least, catch up with each other.
    * Will there be the expectation of sex? This applies to both you, and him.

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