This is for my fellow nerds out there. I’m 33m, don’t have friends where I live at. I’ve recently gone to a few conventions accompanied by my siblings. Which is cool and all, but I feel like I’m missing something out…

Let me give you a bit of background. I’ve read up on how to socialize when going alone to a convention, but the presented advice is US-centric. I don’t live there, and culture is somewhat different on that regard. Conventions are usually short lived (usually 1 day as opposed to 3), panels are almost never a thing, and they’re usually focused on stands where people showcase their products, on top of the cosplays.

So I feel like most of the advice about conventions doesn’t really apply to my reality. The only advice that probably does apply to me is that I could gone alone, while cosplaying, but I don’t really have the body shape to pull that off.

And loneliness is something that’s been slowly killing me for the past years. What should I do in my situation? How do I make socializing in conventions less awkward? Thank you.

  1. when you get there, try to find other people who are going alone and form a group. I’m sure there are other people who are in the same boat as you and would appreciate some company.

  2. The best way is to get the list of attendees of the event and network with them beforehand through LinkedIn and make a plan to meet up during the event. Because of this you need not want to introduce yourself and you can break the ice easily. You would also have a list of people to meet which makes it easy for networking.

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