I’m a 25 years old doctor who has been working on a Night Shift (as a General Physician) in a Pediatric Hospital. I work 72+ hours a week. I’ve worked with a staff nurse (she’s 28) during my night shift for the past 6 months, we’ve gotten used to each other, the work chemistry is just great. I kinda like her I don’t know I’m confused. Now all of a sudden she’s resigning from the night shift because she works at two different hospitals and she can’t continue to do two jobs. After hearing that I kinda cried a lot alone. I’ve never been in a relationship. I’m not calling it a relationship but every time someone leaves me after spending a long period with me (even if he’s a shitty roommate) It makes me really sad, I cry a lot because I dislike change in life a lot. Change scares me a lot. Now back to the question, is it really love or just the same old “Adjustment disorder / anxiety” it’s been 3 days she’s left the hospital, I crave her but really scared of talking to her. The night is just isn’t the same without her anymore. My sleep and appetite may have been decreased by 25% but it’s no big deal, but is it really love or just friendship. I don’t know whether she loves me back or not. Please help. We exchanged phone numbers, I’ve never really met outside of work. We did have long talks at 3 AM. I would stay awake even when there were no patients in the hospital just to be around her and talk to her. We may have discussed private matters like the perfect age to get married, whether I’m engaged or not (she asked me that), hobbies and interests and career plans etc.

TL;DR! My night shift best buddy coworker is gone, I’m missing her. Could it be love? Or just temporary separation anxiety?

  1. Does it matter? You like her and miss her. Call her and make plans to get together outside of work. See where it goes.

  2. You miss all the shots you don’t take bud. Call her and try to make some plans. You like her right? What’s the harm in seeing where it goes.

  3. Honestly it’s better that she’s leaving so that now you don’t have to worry about the consequences of dating a coworker. Now you can ask her out and it won’t cause problems in your work life. I kind of see this as a win.

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