Guys, when did you realize that it was time to walk away from a relationship?

  1. When she fell in love with other men, began cheating on me, then try to sell it as a open relationship.

  2. When she blamed me for not “engaging” with her family and then blamed me for feeling disrespected whether I engaged with her family or not.

  3. When I realized she had a constant habit of reinterpreting things that I said/did to make it into some sort of attack on her, while gaslighting me about what I said or did. What a mind fuck it was.

  4. When I started dreading responding to her messages I started questioning, when I panicked when I saw her messages I knew.

  5. Honestly she was a good woman and a real beauty, but I couldn’t see myself starting a family with her for reasons I’d rather not get into here. I ended up raising the issue and felt it would be better to split sooner than later.

    It was tough and took me the better part of 8 months to recover tbh. That said, I never once questioned whether I made the right decision. Didn’t stop the pain but time helped me heal and now I’m largely past it. Genuinely wish her the best.

  6. Her wanting to spend more and more time with her high school ex despite my objections and even spending the night at his place.

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