Parts of your life being, among others: career, education, love life, social circle, hobbies, health, looks, finances, living arrangement, possessions, etc.

  1. Health. I find it frustrating that we live in a technological age where Science has identified specific genes to manipulate a person’s thermal regulation, yet doctors have not been able to diagnose me with what it is that ails me in half a year.

    To be fair I’m not throwing billions of dollars at them for research, so… C’est la vie

  2. Looks I wouldn’t say I’m ugly but I’d like to improve myself.

    Just got a small hair transplant & teeth are next on the list.

  3. The person I chose to start a family with. She turned into an absolute nightmare and her mental health issues got much worse after having kids. I tried my best to be supportive but it’s their total indifference that kills me inside on a daily basis. Like why did you agree to start a family with me just to turn around and be a monster for the rest of your life? Now I’m living in hell trying to keep it all together. It’s just not fair, but life isn’t. I’m planning to move out when the kids are a bit older. I just can’t trust leaving them alone with her right now. Feels healing to share my pain here as I have no one to talk to about this and that sucks too.

  4. Internal workings. Not physical health, that’s running fine.
    The mind is what’s confusing and barely functional.

  5. My living situation. We’ve been staying with family for a couple years because my SO lost her job right after our child was born during the COVID lockdowns, so we had to sell our house. This is a part of her family I don’t typically get along with, so there isn’t a single day that goes by where I’m not on edge.

  6. Job – I work construction. I’m in management now but still work in the field alot. I fucking hate it because it’s 6 days a week and there’s always some outrageous deadline that we have to meet. I’m great at my job but I want a change. At 39 it’s seems too late to switch careers.

    I’m also not happy with our location. Recently moved from Denver to SoCal since we are having a kid and my wife’s family is there. I regret moving. Like yeah the weather is nice but I miss real mountains and 4 seasons, and my friends. The traffic is killing my soul. I used to be super active and now I don’t like to leave the house. Pretty miserable here!

  7. The dating culture of this generation. I’m not happy with the fact that, it’s rare to find someone now who is willing to work good relationship with compassion, comprehension, communication and commitment.

  8. Honestly at this point in life I’m pretty content with all of these things. Work is long and demanding, but it’s given my family more than we need so I’m grateful. Plus to do something else would mean taking a minimum 50% pay cut and I’m not willing to do that. I’m too close to retirement for all that “new path” talk. I’ll just stick it out and complain a little along the way.

  9. Spent 40 years playing traditional golf before taking up Disc Golf 3 years ago and though I play almost every day, I feel I could be a lot better.

  10. I have a cold that is refusing to go away. My oldest is being a bit of a bully to his brothers, and is resisting efforts to make him stop.

    It has been over a month since I sent off copies of my book to a number of people to give me feedback and helpful criticism, and I haven’t heard a word out of all but one of them.

  11. Social life and dating life. I’m 25. I’m not superstitious or super religious but i had this thought today that i may have been cursed or some shit like that. I really haven’t found anyone who can be a friend to whom i can open up completely and share everything. Someone like a bro who’ll stand by you. I’ve never had a best friend till date. I really don’t know if I’m the problem or I’m not good enough that others would want to share that kind of a bond with me. When it comes to dating, I’d say I’m a fairly good looking guy, i can get girls to go out and get physically intimate with me but I’m just not able to take it to a level where we can change it into a relationship. I’ve been single since the last two years but have been on a lot of dates and casual sex but experiencing the good and bad of life with someone is something i really wish to do.

  12. I have an ok job and a wonderful wife, however I have no social connections outside of that and it’s eating me up inside.

  13. I am uncertain about my future. Also I am bad at math. Those are two things I would desperately change if I could. Alas.

  14. Entire teen years when I wouldn’t ask anyone out, went to a different school because it was supposedly better than my last and not managing to stay in contact with any friends. I know it’s all my fault and if I could change it I would

  15. 36M. I try to practice gratitude as much as I can nowadays. I’ve been blessed with the family and friends I have, having a job, food, shelter, safety, no health issues, etc. I have no *real* reason to complain.

    But I do wish I had someone to spend my life with. My love life has been pretty much DOA despite my best efforts. I don’t want to lose hope, but I just don’t know how things are going to change at this point. It hurts, brothers.

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