so basically me and this woman met at the gym and we had a really nice dinner date over my place ,she insisted to see me again. but she became real flaky and said that her schoolwork and her job of keeping her preoccupied but I found out that she was spending time not doing those things which is OK and I respect people’s boundaries but it was every time she wanted to spend time together she would just say oh she can’t make it or she’s too busy. keep in mind she said she’ll make it up. which never happened.i acknowledged that i don’t like to be flaked on but she continued to do it numerous of times(3 times after our first date). So I left alone And decided to focus on myself. After a few months of improving myself mentally and physically she started to notice and others as well. she started to initiate conversations and I just thought that maybe she was actually interested at first but it was just a bad time and maybe we started on the wrong foot. we both agreed. So we plan to go on another date. She says she’s available and it’s no problem but something just doesn’t sit right with me. Like I have a gut feeling even if I go on a date and it works well it just feels like I shouldn’t be on a date. Because of what previously happened it feels like I’m disrespecting myself by giving it another go. should I believe in giving people second chances? am i overthinking?

  1. It’s up to you. To me, it sounds like this person has difficulty being organized and managing her time. This is not a good sign considering that you barely went on one date with her and have given her numerous chances to make it work. You can definitely find someone else who is better organized than this.

  2. Some people change their mind after a date and end up flaking.
    You know this about her. If you want to see her again cool! That’s fine but make sure you have clear boundary’s and set some with her and make sure she knows your expectations, if she can meet them then move on to the next one

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