I usually tend to go a few days without eating one, or eat a few loaves in a couple of days, it really depends. Curious as to what other folks’ experience on this is.

Oh, Does anyone know if “Boule” (Ball) is just the shape(As wikipedia suggests), or is there a specific way to make it that makes it taste as it does? I’ve never found any other ‘type’ bread to taste like how it does, but maybe it’s just my limited experience.

  1. Not often since I’m not much of a fan of it but most people I know have bread daily, usually with a sandwich or as a side.

  2. About once a day, I’ll toast some bread for breakfast with butter and some smoked salmon I smoke over the weekend.

    My favorite is a “French Brioche” loaf; a brioche made in France that is made in the form factor of a loaf of bread, sliced. I rarely get it because honestly it’s a bit sweet.

    (And I’m constantly amused by Europeans complaining about how sugary American white bread is, when this imported bread from Europe is basically missing a layer of Nutella to become cake.)

  3. I eat bread almost every day in sandwich form but usually I just buy store brand wheat bread lol, nothing too fancy or high quality

  4. I started a no sugar, no grain rule for my diet so I am no longer eating any bread if I can avoid it. Before that though, I had bread pretty much every day.

  5. /r/baking is a tremendously helpful sub if you’re interested in making bread.

    I eat bread occasionally. Give me a good sourdough or pumpernickel.

  6. I eat bread almost every day.

    There is a fancy bakery a couple blocks from my house that does French-style bread, freshly baked every morning. I have a routine of walking over there a couple times a week in the late morning to get a $4 baguette for [sandwiches for the next few days.](https://i.imgur.com/IWZVwCf.jpg) Not the cheapest, but so unequivocally worth it.

    The difference in quality between store-bought bread and a freshly baked baguette is so massive they’re hardly even the same thing.

    I try not to be a snob about much, but this I will be a snob about to anyone who will listen.

  7. I eat bread 5 or 6 days a week.

    My favorite is challah or brioche bread. Homemade honey oat wheat bread is my favorite to make.

    Boule is just the shape but most boule bread I’ve had is sourdough, so maybe that’s where the specific taste is coming from?

  8. I used to eat bread every day. I just don’t feel like it too much lately.

    My favorite is scali bread for sandwiches, toast, etc. I think it is fairly local to Massachusetts as I can never find it when I travel.

  9. I make a loaf of sandwich bread and sourdough every week.

    I toast a piece of the sourdough in a cast iron skillet then put eggs on top for breakfast 3 or 4 times a week and probably make myself a sandwich from lunch 2 or 3 times a week.

  10. On average, a couple of slices a day, max is usually around four, and I can’t recall eating more than six. Sourdough is my favorite variety.

    I regularly (but not frequently) get a few savory bagels.

  11. I eat bread most days. I’ve got a recipe for pain au levain, which is a French name for a mild sourdough, and that’s my favorite. It takes all day to make so I don’t have it all that often.

    Boule only refers to the shape, but only certain types of doughs can be formed into a boule. If the dough is too soft/has too much water, it won’t hold its shape properly. So anything I make into a boule I could make in a pan and it barely changes the texture, but most breads I make in a pan I couldn’t make into a boule.

  12. Every day. I usually eat a sandwich for lunch and I’ve been experimenting with all the different types of bread. That powerseed bread from Costco is underrated imo

  13. Maybe once a month for a special occasion. I like to use the fresh bread to soak up the juices, wait a couple days and eat the rest of it stale with a bit of cheese. I like to get a marble rye for beef and a baguette for chicken. I buy it at the bakery, commercial pre-sliced bread here is full of poison.

  14. I could eat nothing but bread and be very happy. I try to limit my bread consumption to a few times a week though. My all-time favorite is probably rye, nothing better than some freshly made rye bread with butter.

  15. Almost daily. I’m terrible about bringing lunch to work so I always buy sandwiches.

  16. I eat bread at least a few times per week. My go-to for general use is ciabatta rolls. Or as they’re called if I buy them at Costco, artisan rolls. I mostly eat them as toast or heated sandwiches.

  17. I eat bread almost every single day. The bread I eat the most is Dave’s Killer Bread but I wouldn’t say that’s my favorite. Just different breads for different occasions!

  18. I absolutely love bread. Italian or a French baguette are my favorite. I don’t have them a lot though because they aren’t as shelf stable and if I get a loaf, I’ll absolutely eat the entire thing in 1 or 2 days anyway. But I absolutely enjoy it when I do!

  19. I don’t eat much bread especially… But in the winter, when we can use the oven*, I bake the Artisan Bread In 5 Minutes master loaf and my wife eats it for breakfast.

    * Small apartment, the oven will overheat it if it’s over 70 odd degrees.

  20. Daily and sometimes multiple times a day. I just got a whole wheat loaf from my favorite bakery today.

  21. For my go-to, I’m a whole wheat kind of guy. But what I do love is that tomato basil bread.

  22. I eat it too much, not the good kind either.

    My favorite would be either a good French baguette or a good rye.

  23. I eat bread only when its part of some other food, like a sandwich. I don’t hate it, but I don’t really like it either so it just feels like packing in carbs and calories for no reason.

  24. I eat a slice of bread a day on average; a good whole grain bread with peanut butter usually. I do love bread of any kind.

  25. I eat bread probably 90% of days.

    Favorite would probably be between Sourdough or Jalapeño cheese bread

  26. Cuban bread is amazing. I’ll admit that I haven’t had every bread there is but that is my vote.

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