What, in your opinion, is the worst biological aspect of being a man?

  1. The irresistible urge to have sex causes men to do more stupid stuff than any other driver of behavior. Men can spend their entire lives chasing pussy and it consumes them. And this is not a decision that men make. It’s a biological imperative to mate and propagate the species.

  2. I don’t know if this counts as biological but I’m 6’4 220 so people are always asking me to do shit. I’m tired of helping strangers just because I’m a large man. Expectations based on my biology I guess.

  3. My meaty clackers. I sit on my balls all the time. Yes it’s funny but it fucking hurts as well.

  4. Feet. We’re so heavy. what a terrible spot for small fuckin bones. ive broken each foot 3-4 times a peice.

  5. We need too much food, especially chunky fellows like myself. Sometimes I feel like women can survive on sparrows’ rations

  6. The fact that you’re probably going to die sooner than most women you meet either through disease or infection (infections are by far more harsher on male bodies) or through your natural life expectancy being lower, or nonbiologically through someone or something cutting your life short.

  7. The biology of a man is pretty problem free IMO. I agree with above comments suggesting genital and physique or eating habits to be more socially inconvenient.

    Except low the hanging fruit…gravity is a cruel bitch

  8. That thing when you pee and need to go as soon as you zip your pants back up. Fucking prostate

  9. God, nature, intelligent design or whatever decided it would be funny to give men a brain, and a penis, BUT ONLY ENOUGH BLOOD TO RUN ONE AT A TIME!!! The amounts of shenanigans I have gotten into because horny is a little embarrassing.

  10. Our smell. A female friend of mine was feeling bad a while ago and didn’t have the energy to wash herself for a week. Visited her, didn’t smell a thing. Imagine a guy not washing himself for a week. You will smell a lot of unpleasance.

  11. The amount of energy it takes to move our body and therefore the amount of food it takes to supply enough energy.

  12. getting naked with a new partner

    ME: wow she’s incredibly hot, been looking forward to this.

    Penis: Nah I don’t feel like it.

  13. 2nd time that this question has been asked today(and it’s ask almost daily). Is there a reason for that?

  14. The fact we actually NEED to reach climax eventually, because the build up of our biological need can actually affect our ability to think and trouble shoot day to day problems.

    Post Nut Clarity isnt just a thing, its a thing we actually need to achieve if we want to be functional.

    Seriously, the studies theyve done indicate that men who dont reach climax, either through sex or masturbation, have short term memory issues, and struggle more with basic tasks because they ‘forget’ what they were doing.

  15. I think generally we have it pretty good…perhaps just lots of hair sprouting from all the places, but I think that’s a fairly universal “humans above a certain age” thing.

  16. When you accidentally sit on your balls. Happened only a few times throughout my life, but it fucking hurts.

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