Was recently contacted by an ex. We have over a decade of history being friends/dating & always end up reconnecting. It’s been a few weeks since he asked to meet & have sex but hasn’t officially made plans. It’s probably too soon right? He just keeps asking for nudes, our sexting gets really hot, then says he has to go or stops responding till I hear from him 5-7 days later. Sometimes I take this long to respond to people on dating apps so maybe I’m being extra. I’m also not sure if he was just waiting for a mini vacation to pass with this one girl he’s seeing.

He went on that getaway last weekend to a music festival & to visit family. I hadn’t heard from him in days & always wait for him to reach out since he mentioned wanting to keep things low key & because he used a code word signaling that she had called or something. Also since it’s been less than a month of being back in contact & I’m pursuing other men/women. Though he’s the best sex I’ve ever had (hope it’s the same for him too) don’t want to put all eggs in one basket or come off desperate. He called once he got back into town & seemed surprised that I didn’t reach out (I used to be psycho, blowing him up, & very jealous). I didn’t ask if he was with her. If they did go together does this mean they are serious?

He told me his schedule, invited me over to his place or to meet half way, that he’d want to have breakfast the next morning, & keeps saying he hopes to meet up soon. I told him I thought he’d want it to be a hit it & quit it thing where I leave after a few hours. He seemed surprised by this also. Is he waiting for me to take initiative & set a day? Been working on losing weight & clearing up my acne so that’s why I haven’t made concrete plans either lol. It’s been fun sexting & sending nudes/risky videos but this last time he didn’t even acknowledge them & stopped texting once I sent them. Maybe because I took a couple hours to respond? This has happened before then he randomly calls or texts. I sent the same videos to other men & they were drooling soo 🤨

He mentioned seeing someone regularly & flirting here & there with others but doesn’t want her to know about other women. I’m not sure why. A friend pointed out that it doesn’t matter if they vacationed together. That if he was serious about her he wouldn’t be reaching out to exes or flirting with others. Is this true?

He knows my grandmothers funeral is tomorrow so idk if he’s giving space or decided he likes one of those girls better (after all thats the point of dating). Did I come off too strong or too easy by sending what I did? (I’ve sent lots of x-rated things in the past & recently but this was the first time using a vibrator in it). Will he respond next week since that’s been the pattern or am I being ghosted? The same male friend mentioned that he might have already got what he wanted with the nudes, sexting, OR is most likely still interested & after I’ve given him space like before he’ll return like before. What do you think is going on?

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