General US Politics and Elections Megathread

  1. My Democratic Governor, Ned Lamont, the most boring of boring white men, a wealthy dude from the wealthiest town not just in Connecticut but one of the wealthiest in the country, has governed like a moderate Republican from 1993.

    Gets a massive tax revenue windfall and decides to spend it on the most progressive of priorities, ~~a high speed rail line between two medium-size cities~~ paying down pension debt

    And yet. His opponent, Bob Stefanowski, another wealthy boring white man, says it’s time for a change. Also he looks like Lurch

    Bro. The governor decided to spend tax money and federal largesse on fucking state employee pensions and improving the state’s bond rating instead of making it the next guy’s problem and/or going to jail (we have a problem with that here).

    Be like Ned. Be fucking boring.

  2. I’m thinking that some races that are being shown as solidly one way or another are wrong. I think we end up with some closer elections and I see the dems maintaining either the house or Senate by winning some surprise seats. I still think some people are greatly underestimating the impact of the repeal of Roe will have on this midterm, over half the country lost a constitutionaly protected right. I will say I don’t see either party controlling both houses. Essentially I’m expecting a lot of gridlock the next couple of years. I’m fully expecting Republicans to toss the fillabuster in the senate if they gain control of it though.

  3. For the progressives here. Do you really think Fetterman will win in Pennsylvania? Or do you think concern about his health will hurt his chances?

  4. Question for NC residents who voted early. Did y’all see Jeff Jacksons name on the ballot? I saw Beasley, Budd, the independents and the write-in. Did he drop out?

  5. Another day, another cycle of placing votes for people who don’t align anywhere close to my actual politics.

  6. House goes Republican, Senate is a toss-up. I care more about the Senate holding for the Dems, particularly for potential SCOTUS openings.

  7. I think the house is for sure Republican. Biggest question for me is what will Pennsylvania do. I think Bidens surprise speech shows that he’s been told that things ain’t looking hot. People want cheap gas, food and energy, which they are lacking.

  8. We’re fucking doomed. Republicans are gonna curbstomp us. I voted early, so I at least did *something,* but I was well aware the entire time that it would be the last legitimate ballot of my life.

  9. Why are all the Republican ads about the economy? Surely their voters don’t buy this nonsense, right?

    Like, did we not just go through 4 years where instead of being responsible adults and saving for a rainy day they passed huge tax cuts and bullied the Fed over fucking Twitter, to keep interest rates low?

  10. Despite being a very active voter for over 20 years now, from local to state to federal, I’m having an incredibly hard time holding any interest in this election.

  11. My only desire is for a congressional gridlock of neither house being controlled by the same party. A Republican dominated federal government terrifies me just as much as a Democrat dominated government

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