For those who made a career change to pursue their passions that give much less income and are less prestigious, how did you let go of the prestige identify / social status/ vanity, did the new direction go well and do you regret it?
I am in a big tech company (job title) with well paid check (money) but want to transit to my passion of art/teaching relative career. My biggest barrier is vanity: career title and money. I realize is mainly how people see me, which is sadly and wrongly to a lesser degree how I see people as well (working on self improvement). but the vanity is really getting me. I’ve studied tech for 20 years, it is an identity to myself, which I know no one really cares. I view money heavily, get jealous of big houses and nice cars and all the purchase power from the money. I feel like I need to fix how I see people by their jobs and incomes first, or else there is no break free.

Please share your stories.

  1. I gave up a high powered career (owned a software company) to have a less demanding career with time and flexibility to take care of kids. I did some finance work and then transitioned into art photography. I now do product photography and tutor photography and photo editing.

    I have a lot of regrets about not having a meaningful career. It is hard to watch my wife saving lives while my excitement for the day is doing dishes and photographing hats and scarves. Despite having an MBA from a top 10 program and having run successful businesses I really never made significant money once I jumped off of that track and it’s really hard to get back on after a long gap.

    On the other hand, I really enjoyed the art for years. I won awards, got to exhibit in lots of juried shows, got published, etc. I certainly had a great time with my wife and kids. We traveled the world, sometimes for a month at a time. I got to support the kids in ways that were important.

    I think that I’d do it again. but it is certainly not a slam dunk.

    EDIT: I think that the biggest regret is that at times I lack a lot of the social interaction that a more conventional job would bring. That is due to more than just that choice.

  2. You’re going to die. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe in ten years. Maybe in thirty years.

    Money is out there. You can get what you want. You can control how much you need.

    Time is precious. You never get it back. Once you’ve spent it, it’s gone, and you have no idea how much you’re going to have. Value the time.

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