Had a hook-up from Tinder, and she left right after the sex. I asked if she wanted to sleep over, but she declined.

Does it mean that the sex was bad or is it just standard unspoken hook-up etiquette to leave?

  1. Happened with me too and I want to know the answer because she looked like she orgasmed

  2. There’s no one fit, it depends on the person and how comfortable they feel. Personally I prefer sleeping in my own bed

  3. Either she didn’t find you to be a potential long term partner within one evening.


    She was there to get some D and left cuz she got what she came for and had no intention on building a legitimate rapport with you

  4. For me it’s not so much etiquette, but I like sleeping in my own bed. I toss and turn and I’m a hot sleeper. I only slept over in one guys bed because it was long distance and I was staying at his house out of state.

  5. I don’t think it means the sex was bad I think it just means that you’ve served your purpose and she was ready to go. It basically just depends on the person. If she wanted to stay and hang out then she would. If she doesn’t to stay after then she doesn’t have to stay. There’s no rule saying whether a person should stay or leave after. It’s all circumstantial.

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