Gentlemen, what song do you hate with a burning passion and why?

  1. My wife introduced me to “Resurrection by Erection” by Powerwolf, and now it’s stuck in my F-ing head!

  2. “It’s a Small World (After All)”, written by the Sherman Brothers

    I was on the ride at Disneyland when it broke down for probably 40 minutes and nobody had the common courtesy to turn the damn track off in the background. I would have happily murdered each and every one of those animatronic puppets of children if it would have made that torture stop.

  3. Maroon 5.

    No, just in general. I can’t even justify it because words don’t exist to adequately sum up my hatred for everything they do.

  4. Thunder by Imagine Dragons. It is probably the worst song I’ve ever had the displeasure of listening to. Thunder thunder lightning and the thunder thunder thunder. Thunder thunder thunder thunder SHUT THE FUCK UP.

  5. Lots of country music, as a lot of it sounds the exact same. I’ve often said that if there were a Weird-Al type parody of country music, nobody would recognize it for what it is. There was even a video describing the state of country in 2013.

    Hey Soul Sister.

    If I Were a Boy.

    Lots of Meghan Trainor and Pink.

  6. Hey there Delilah because when it was popular I heard it every hr at work, every ride home from other vehicles. And my roommate was learning to play it on acoustic guitar when I got home, and he was bad, he was also learning the guitar so it was him just playing the beginning a lot.

  7. don’t stop believing by journey. i hate it because it plays at every event. it’s an ok song i just cant stand it anymore.

    all green day songs can fuck off. my ex was obsessed, and i absolutely hate the lead singer’s voice.

  8. Idk why but most modern songs get on my nerves. They all are either autotuned to hell or are a rap song. I’ll admit there can be good ones but the majority are just bad

  9. Uptown Funk, was so overplayed that I ended up hating it, god I hate it. No denying Bruno has talent.

  10. Anything by Nickelback.

    Fuck your fake ass crybaby wannabe tough guy lyrics!

    You are the Micheal Bay of rock.

  11. “Jesus take the wheel.”

    I’ve been a professional driver all my life. That shit right there is called giving up. You NEVER give up. Makes me feel pissed off every time I hear it. You stay engaged and fight for control till the vehicle stops moving. If you give up, you lose any chance, however slim, of saving the situation. Jesus doesn’t have a fucking driver’s license

  12. That crazy bitch song. It’s just so fucking gross. It reminds me of people who say things like “I’m just so honest, and a lot of people can’t handle it” or “I hate drama” like, no Brenda you’re just a tactless alcoholic who loves attention in the worst kind of way.

  13. All I Want for Christmas is You. I work in retail so hearing it repeatedly makes me want to pull out my hair every year

  14. Most things by Pink. But particularly, NA NA NA NA NA NA NA IM GONNA START A FIIIIIGHT

  15. The Heat is On by Glenn Frye… uhggg it gives me chills to think of that awful saxophone riff

  16. All I Want for Christmas is You…ohmyfuckingod man I have to sing over it in the grocery stores and shit just to make it through

  17. Baby shark. I don’t even have kids and I’ve heard that song too many god damn times.

  18. Happy – Pharrell Williams

    I used to like his song at first, but every single event that I attended over the years played this so much and sometimes even in loop that I got VERY annoyed of it.

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