
  1. Cheesy leeks with a crispy breadcrumb topping. Not that weird but I don’t know other people that do them… which is a shame as they’re ace

  2. Peas and sweetcorn, thought it was dead dead common but no other sunday roast I see seems to have them.

  3. Mint sauce goes with everything – not just lamb. I fill my Yorkshire with it and then dunk everything.

  4. I inject the chicken with Cajun butter. It makes it take so much better. I only make it for me and partner though as I think everyone else will be offended by it.

  5. I’ve not been able to eat a roast dinner for years (swallowing and stomach issues), but I used to always have cranberry or apple sauce with a roast (whatever the meat was). But the thing most people thought was weird was that I didn’t have gravy on a roast, I’ve never liked it. Never liked Yorkshire Puddings either, again people thought that was weird.

  6. So my partner who is a total wrongin has mayo in everything!

    I’m talking the mash, veg, meat and always has his own pot of gravy that’s thick with mayonnaise he’s obsessed.

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