I’ve realized that I’m completely okay when the person I’m seeing isn’t interested in me anymore. Sometimes I’m even relieved knowing this.

What what makes me anxious mess is when I’m unsure about how the other person is feeling.

I only went on two dates with this guy I’ve seeing recently, and we had a great time on both dates. He’s a terrible texter though and we only really text to make plans, so it’s hard to gauge his interest through text. The ball is in his court though as I let him know I had a good time and for him to let me know when he’s free next.

This is just a current example of what I’ve been going through, but I’ve noticed a cycle in my life where I become an anxious mess in the early stages of dating. I just know this next week is going to feel like pure anxiety as I’m awaiting a text, yet, I know if he doesn’t say something by the end of the week then I’ll be able to move on without a problem.

Why is the unknown so terrifying?

  1. Because people are scared of being attached to someone else. Once someone experiences heartbreak it’s hard to put themselves in that situation again. Anyone who can do that is brave in their own right.

    Good luck. Hope this helps

  2. Because you are putting yourself out there to a complete stranger, hoping that they share interests as you while hoping they don’t reject you. You are vulnerable during those stages of dating, at any moment it could become more or could collapse. Every action you make is an insight into your soul which is then judged by someone. It is very scary, and the only way it stops being scary is to become numb to that fear.

  3. Because vulnerability is scary! Things being out of your control can be uncomfortable. Know you aren’t alone. I feel the same way rn!

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