So basically, there’s this girl at work (18F) that I’m (20M) crushing hard on. We work at a grocery store, and the two of us work in different departments. She came up to me one day out of the blue just to chat, and ever since then we’ve been smiling at each other when we cross paths, but I have a habit of getting really quiet when I’m at work so I never usually verbally greet her. The problem is, I really want to talk to her and get to know her more, but we don’t see each other very often let alone get a chance to stop and talk. I know her Instagram page, but I’m scared that following her might seem weird as we’ve only really spoken a few times. And I feel like since we don’t see each other very often, it’ll be hard to actually develop a friendship just by talking in passing. What should I do?

TLDR Me and my crush work together but don’t see each other very often, what should I do?

  1. Walk up to her and say.. “I always love seeing your smile. We should grab a bite to eat someday soon because I’ll love a chance to chat it up with you outside of work.”

    You don’t even have to entertain a conversation beyond that. Simply smile, then say you have to get back to work. Then after work swipe numbers or shoot your shot and see if yall can hang out that same night.

  2. You work in a grocery store together so find a way to hangout with her like and spend time with her and make it low stakes like hey can you help me think 🤔 of my band name on my break ? Idk just anything stupid to talk to her . Or maybe hey I was thinking of transferring to your department could you tell me about it ? Some kind of bs bro lol 😂 and don’t be too shy where she thinks you are not interested make an effort to be involved , you don’t have to be outright saying I like you but show interest . If you wanna bring up Instagram , bring that up somehow so she knows you have one ☝️ then you can ease that into adding each other and converse there .

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