i am a 25 year old Male. I have many friends from like 12 years ago since school and we kept close, still going out together and basically grew together. The past few years, due to different schools and whatsoever, new people have been introduced. I have come to terms that I am shy, but again, since COVID, I feel I have degradated more. I am now very self concious, more shy and clearly lack social skills. Whenever we go out and maybe drink a bit, I get more loose but sometimes embarass myself or seem to overwhelm other people with my more extroverted and outgoing self. Also, I remained in low rated jobs and my friends have studied and got better jobs, which might be a reason I feel Lower than them.

Lately I have been trying to reduce this “dependency” on alcohol. But I have become more of an overthinker and struggle with conversation even though I would like to. My friend has also told me I seem to be “mentally degrading” and I feel he’s right

There is also a girl I like. I don t know if she s interested, but I feel like I should know where I stand and make a move too. But because of my lack of confidence I’m afraid I would feel ackward with a no… I know its better to know than to wonder. But I don’t know how to try

How can I surpass this? And is there any way I could improve my social skills with my fellow friends and new people.

Thanks alot, hope I can get an answer

1 comment
  1. Start conversations. Give advice from experience. Meet new people. Get out of your comfort zone

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