I (f18) have been with (m18) for over a year and a half now, when we got together it all seemed really perfect and sweet. Over time it slowly faded and turned into a constant headache, he had no motivation and just got used to me doing things for him.
He hasn’t had a drivers license for over a year of the relationship and one day asked me to take him to an interview, there was traffic so we got there one minute late but he refused to get out of the car because “I’ve embarrassed him and made him late” this followed with him swearing at me and calling me things like disgusting,d***head, c*** and a f***** loser.
I went on a trip to my home country and he told me I can’t post photos at the beach because other guys would find them attractive or threatens me with things to get his way. He calls me and cries or completely gaslights me into thinking none of it happens I feel like I’m going crazy. I tried to leave his house and he opened my car door open and sat inside refusing to let me leave without “talking”.
On my trip he accused me of cheating while I was with my cousins and then the following day proceeded to follow multiple girls on Instagram to “see if they would follow him back” based on his profile?
I have months worth of screenshots as evidence of the way he’s spoken to me as well as recordings of phone calls. I recently got sick of it and ended things however it was at a bad time since it was a few days before his birthday, he told me we aren’t over and I can’t do this to him bc he needs me.
He is exactly like his dad and doesn’t take responsibility for things when his parents have seen our arguments yet his dad told me this is something I bring out in him. They are somehow thinking I am to blame after at least 3 arguments/disagreements a week for over a year, him and his family have messaged me to get me to resolve the issues between us because he loves me but I don’t know if there’s any going back because of how much we’ve gone through. It’s hard to leave completely.

  1. Do you live with him? If not, it is completely easy to leave an asshole. Text him this is it, don’t wait foe a response, and block the number, then check your phone if it is sharing its location with his.

    If he’s going to be an abusive prick, he’s not going to change easily if ever without extensive therapy. You are young, move on and keep his negative traits as a red flag indicator.

  2. Block him everywhere, change your number, remove and possibly block his friends/family if you’ve added them on social media, and…maybe also post your beach pictures on your social media after you’ve gotten rid of this guy, just because you can.

  3. Because you and your boyfriend are so young, both of you don’t know how to love or know how to care for each other. Your boyfriend sounds dangerous, if you don’t leave him now, things will get worse.

    Sounds like you have low self esteem, no man should talk to a woman like that and no woman should allow a man to speak to her like that. Run far away fast as possible.

  4. Who cares what his parents think. He’s a narcissist. He’s grinning you and controlling you with his behavior. It’s not hard to leave to completely, you just have to do it. Block, delete, go NC. He’s absurd you verbally and emotionally. He’s gaslit you, is lazy and manipulative. He’s toxic and will escalate. Stay far away from this steaming pile of crap human.

  5. He sounds horrible, you deserve much more. Send a text ending it and block him from everywhere. His parents will blame shift because thats what they do, he learned his shit behavior from them. the entire family is rotten. They want you there because they dont want to deal with him and have to drive his poor ass around.

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