What does cuddling mean to you?

  1. Getting relaxed and stop thinking about the worldly things.

    And I just want to be in that pose forever with that person whom I love more than anything.

  2. Comfortably holding one person, or both holding eachother. Usually looks like a hug in some form or another.

  3. Him just holding me from behind, while watching a movie and taking a deep breath realizing how much in love you are.

  4. This means everything.

    We’re pretty much doing nothing but hugging and caressing one another, yet I would keep doing this all day long if I could.

    If we’re adding kissing and making out, then that makes it a very personal experience which, for me, is miles ahead of “casual sex” or just “fucking”. Not that sex itself isn’t fun, far from it (when it’s good) but, for me, building it up with cuddling and making out with a person I love and care for makes it all so much better.

    So yeah, I’m a cuddler. Yay cuddling.

  5. Intimate, warmth, cozy, trusting, loving time to just be together. Whether it’s talking or watching a movie or making out.

  6. Closeness. Contentedness and warmth of the heart. Safety. Trust because I know I that can be vulnerable around them yet accepted and understood.

  7. Nuuuuuuugs!
    There is nothing better than warm sleepy nugs with a person that you love.

    All sexual connotations and feelings aside, Its like those perfect moments where you slightly wake and the bed is soo snuggly and warm, only more so because you have your arm around someone you love and you are pressed up alongside them.

    Yeah, sickeningly mushy but i wouldn’t give it up for the world.

  8. Sitting there holding someone.
    I’m a simple man. I don’t overanalyze little things.

  9. It makes me feel safe and strong at the same time. Safe from the close physical affection and strong because of the trust that is placed in me. I love cuddling but I don’t really get the opportunity to do it often.

  10. It means you want to be around me as much as I want to be around you because deep down I’m just a stray dog looking for my person to be with

  11. Envelop me with your arms and legs. Crush me with your bodyweight like cats in a pile. Lay my head on your breast while you pet my hair and assure me I’m good enough.

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