Like honestly I am so shy and quiet at work and I work for a small business and I feel like everyone hates me cause I’m weird and I am a bad worker because I’m shy idk what to do :,(

  1. People won’t hate you for being shy. That’s a fact.
    You may come off a certain way which might not be good, depending on your demeanor, but I guarentee no one hates you or dislikes you simply for being shy

    People will automatically like you if you’re good at your job. So do your job well, and smile. People will automatically want to talk to you if you seem friendly and inviting. First step is smiling a real smile, and doing it often.

  2. I also tend to be quiet and shy, and I found it helps to just try to talk to one or two people at a time. Ask them if they’d like to share a coffee break, how their weekend was, if they have a recommendation for something, how their work looks like etc. And follow up on the information you get – people appreciate if you remember what they told you, it shows that you’re interested.

    If you find that it would be weird to suddenly start doing that after not having done that before, you could try asking them for help or advice and then try to have a chat with them on top of that.

    Why do you feel you’re a bad worker because you’re shy? If you have troubles speaking up in meetings, you could read or watch some advice on that.

  3. Best piece of advice I can give you be yourself at all times. Oh well. If you’re shy that’s who you are. If you don’t like something then change it but only because you want to and you know the reasoning behind it. Just old advice but the best I can give you

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