So me and this girl have been talking for about 2-3 months. Facetime, snapchat etc. She has told me a great deal about her life and many private things so I know she trusts me and she flirts ALOT. Altough everytime I ask her to hang out she says she is working or having uni studies. I know from what she tells me on calls she is always studying or working but I mean you can make time for someone you like, no? She also recently talks alot about other guys adding her on snapchat and such things to make me feel jealous and I’m starting to get tired of these games she is playing.


So my question is should I throw her and just block or ask out one last time and depending on her answer keep or throw.

1 comment
  1. Hi, coming from a girl, I hate to say it but she’s not into you. She’s using you as a comfort person because you’re easy to talk to and you fit right into her schedule. But it’s a red flag that she isn’t taking any type of initiative to actually get to know you on a personal level. She’s just stringing you along and will most likely drop you whenever another guy catches her attention. And it’s another red flag that she’s even mentioning other guys to you if she already has shown that she trusts YOU, which means she should be prioritizing you over them. You can be nice and ask her one more time but tbh you should just give her an ultimatum. Tell her if she isn’t willing to put in the effort to hang out with you, you’re going to block her and move on. No one has time for playing hard to get tbh, hope this advice helps! Let me know the outcome if you have a chance!

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