me: Hey so i really liked talking to you so far And i still want to get together but if you’re not interested anymore i totally understand, but just lmk 🙂 promise i wont be mad lol

Him: Heyy I apologize I’ve just been going through lots of personal stuff and haven’t been in the right place and lack of energy makes it hard for me to keep up with anything. It’s hard for me to be genuine about my feelings when I feel like this but I’ll come around soon I’m just in a weird place right now. It’s not you at all it’s my own mental having trouble balancing anything

Me: thanks for being honest will! And i understand completely, and honestly theres no rush at all . Life gets complicated sometimes, and ur a great guy genuinely, and if you need someone to talk to you can always text me only if your comfortable of course ❤️

  1. You can’t know if it is true or not. What you can do however is respecting his answer.

    Respect it. Maybe he is going through a really tough time. And he needs the time and space. So give it to him. When he is ready again, he will talk…

    If he is not telling the truth, leave him also alone. You don’t want a partner who ghosts you.

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