So I met this girl at a club last week. She got really drunk and we got kicked out. I brought her back to my place and let her sleep on my bed. When she woke up she thanked me and we cuddled all morning. A few days later we went to a show together. I ended up bailing kinda early (at like 3am) and she drunk text me done very loving things.

She left her bag at my place so she came back the next day. I took her to the top of a building and asked what was going on between us and she said she was just getting to know me. I dropped her off at the train station and we kissed.

This was yesterday. We have still been talking the whole time, but it doesn’t feel like she’s putting in quite as much effort into her messages and I (indirectly) asked her if she and I would ever sleep together and she said she didn’t know bc she’s working thru some stuff, but she appreciates me trying.

The main things that make me kinda unsure are that I heard she is a lesbian and also I think she is hiding her Instagram from me. Also the fact that I met her in a club and we were making out that same night. She could definitely be doing that with other guys or girls. She also just got out of a seven year relationship two months ago tho, so I am trying to be there for her.

What do y’all think? I don’t know if I’m wasting my time or not. I do like her but she says she probably won’t be able to see me again until the end of next week. Is this worth my time and effort?

Edit: We are both 23 for context

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