What’s something someone does that makes you feel loved from your heart?

  1. Wow…the sad thing is that it’s not that common for me to feel that way. I’ve been single for quite some time now. The closest thing I get is my son hugging me or him saying he loves me. Which I do appreciate it. I guess I miss the sweet morning text messages from a guy, and just knowing he thought about me. It makes me feel loved when a guy is thoughtful, considerate, and helpful. Life is hard as a single mother.

  2. “I got this for you because I thought you’d like it.” Being on the receiving end of something or some action, coupled with the intent they had to make me happy, added with the thought that they were thinking of me just makes meeee 🙂

  3. Depends on the person; but those warm hugs that enclose you and feel like a healing touch, thinking of you messages, those small gifts just because, those comfort meals prepared for you

  4. My girlfriend will tell me to come and get head scratches. I’m a big fan of physical touch while she isn’t so for her to offer physical touch freely always makes me feel loved.

  5. Gifting me apples or books. These are two of my favourite things. I can never get enough of these. Just last week, someone got me books. A total stranger. For no specific reason. I was so happy l cried.

  6. I suffer from depression frequently. When I’m having a bad day, my BFF will ask me “do you want to talk about it, or do you want to play video games as a distraction?” It makes me feel loved, because he’s not judging me, he’s not pushing me, he’s letting me choose the level of support I need and is happy to give it to me either way. Whatever I need in that moment, he’s there to provide.

    Also when I caught covid, it was at the very beginning of the pandemic and I didn’t have many supplies for a 2 week quarantine. I could probably make it through on my pantry (although meals started getting weird towards the end) but I was really worried about having enough food and litter for my kitties if I couldn’t go out to get it. He didn’t even hesitate but sent me over some of both. He doesn’t like cats and couldn’t particularly give a shit about them, but he knew that I was in a bit of a panic about it and he just wanted to make sure I could focus on feeling better.

  7. “I saw this and thought of you” or “I thought you’d really like this”

    Most recent had to be a surprise gift from a friend that also happened to be one of his favourite books that he thought I would enjoy. It felt amazing to connect over a shared love of a book.

  8. When someone is out and about and they get me something or take a picture of something they’ve seen that made them think of me 🥰

  9. Full of acceptance of me.

    I’ve had only one person who’s only fully accepted all of me.

    My good, my bad, my mental health, my habits. .

    I don’t feel loved unless I’m fully accepted for the way i am.

  10. My bf we have a long distance relationship when I visit and come to his apt. To see him he has a bath drawn for me puts bubbles in my bath, cooks for me, kisses the top of my head sometimes, we sometimes have those long warm hugs with eachother it’s very loving that gives me a warm feeling in my heart.

  11. Friends or family texting me saying they saw or heard this or that, that made them think of me. I never feel as loved and important as when someone randomly thinks of me throughout the day and lets me know.

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