So I’m an introvert and hate it. I’m not shy or anything but I just dont feel like talking. I wish I had that urge to socialize and make friends like most people. If someone talks to me first I’d try and continue the conversation but it just doesnt go well usually. It’s like a chore to me

  1. Why don’t you have that urge? Do you simply enjoy your own company or have you had some bad experiences?

  2. Are you me? It’s such a weird place to be. Like a want to socialize and have friends but then when I go out I’m just awkward & want to be back home alone, it’s exhausting. But at the same time, I’m dying inside from feeling lonely. Almost like you never win. I’ve just come to terms with the fact I’ll never be truly happy. As long as I can ride this fine line of being content I think I’ll be ok. Life is dope eh ?

  3. Yep, sounds familiar. For me I think it was mostly just a general lack of energy and happiness. I’m much better now, but still there’s a huge difference between my inclination to socialize when I’m in a “meh” mood and a good mood.

  4. Hmm, wants to socialize but hates actually socializing..seems like you’re just not socializing with the right people.

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