I don’t know if I should break up or stay in my relationship. We’re in our early 20’s.

We were friends for about a year before we started dating. So we’re close & good friends.

My boyfriend and I hit our 1 month anniversary and we had a whole day planned he said he’d take me for dinner & I said we could grab icecream and watch a show afterwards & essentially spend the whole day together. However, During our dinner he told me he wants to see his ‘friends’ but he won’t bc of our one month then proceeds to talk about them and says he really wants to see them so I say okay bc why would I want him to tag along w me unwillingly. I’m just upset that I planned out a whole thing after dinner & a whole day with him which he agreed initially and then cares to bring up his friends and hanging out with them. It just shows that he doesn’t care to even spend our freaking 1 month together! When I spoke about how I felt he said his hangout was unplanned & he didn’t know what to do because I just seemed so chill bout
it. I feel like I should break up w him but idk if it’s toooo harsh or what.

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