I’m fully recovered from a surgery I had a few months ago, where I was prescribed steroids in recovery. However the steroids made me gain 25 pounds super rapidly so naturally I developed some significant stretch marks – mostly in my lower belly and hip area. They’re just now starting to fade but are still somewhat dark.

I’m just getting back into the dating game, and have no plans on getting intimate with anyone soon – I have a rule on no intimacy unless we’re several dates in – but it’s crossed my mind that I now have these unattractive marks on me. I’ve now lost most of the weight, so it would come as a surprise for sure. When the time comes should I warn them?

  1. No you don’t have to. Stretch marks are not a big deal at all. I’m a hot man and I have some stretch marks. I never tell anyone and nobody ever cared.

  2. So you’ve got tiger stripes. It won’t matter to the right person and the wrong people don’t matter.

    If they make you uncomfortable, a two-minute “hey, before we get naked” conversation can help you feel more confident – but if you’re already getting to the point where you’re taking your clothes off with somebody, you should be able to trust them anyway. This is your body, and you are not responsible for being somebody’s fantasy object. People get stretch marks, scars, and non-physical damage – it’s up to you to decide how much trust you want to give somebody and anyone you’re concerned will be turned off by what your human body looks like probably isn’t worth your time and effort anyway.

  3. No please don’t be insecure…Men do not notice stretch marks. I’ve always been very fit and never had children…I have stretch marks on my hips from growing too fast as a kid. They are apart of being a woman…no different than a little cellulite All women have it or get it eventually.

  4. Your tiger stripes is part of your story, and anyone who finds that unappealing isn’t worth your time or energy anyway. In my 36 years I’ve NEVER met one single person without a blemish or whatever, so why hold yourself to a standard that literally doesn’t exist?

  5. I feel like nowadays most people have stretch marks, hell, I’m sure even fit and muscular people have stretch marks.

    I think the only time a warning would be required is if you maybe lost A LOT of weight and had a skin flap, extremely droopy skin, or maybe a recent surgery and some area is still rather tender.

  6. No. I ain’t gonna apologize for my shortcomings why should you. Just fuck them like you mean it and it won’t be an issue esp if you established you like each other via dating

  7. Most people have stretch marks. Lots of people develop them just from normal growth during puberty. ALL bodies have some flaws. No, you don’t need to “warn” anyone that you’re an actual human being and not an airbrushed, full body makeup porn star.

  8. Omg no wayyy! Stretch marks are very common and normal for both women and men. Be confident! Confidence is so attractive and sexy.

  9. Hi, I too have stretch marks after having surgery in the last year and gaining weight. While I was not happy to see them appear during recovery, I’m also human and stretch marks are natural. It’s just another scar from the healing process. I’m sure you’re still hot af.

  10. The fact you need to post a question like this on Reddit means you’re not ready to date

  11. Most men won’t care and you don’t need to disclose it. They will care a lot more about the weight gain but you lost most of it so that’s not an issue either…I wouldn’t lose sleep over it if I were you.

  12. You don’t need to warn the guy. Stretch marks are more of an insecurity for women than it is for men. We are attracted to the shape of your body and your face. So any stretch marks will not bother us

  13. stretch marks are hot tbh men who have a problem with it aren’t usually used to being with women.

  14. yes, and have him sign a waiver waiving all break up rights in the event of any future excess fat rolls that may develop.

  15. I dont think it’s anything to feel weird about. You are a beautiful person inside and out. The person that you end up with will accept that!

  16. No. You don’t have to warn anyone about stretch marks. We’ve all got em(many of us I guess). I never minded discovering them.

  17. No you don’t need to warn them. Stretch marks are totally normal. I’m 23f and 120 pounds and I have stretch marks. Most women have stretch marks and I have learned to find them sexy. The right man would never even see it as something worth commenting about especially if you are allowing them to be intimate with you.

  18. Not at all!. My son was born via C- section and my ex wifes stomach and sides were horribly scarred. The scars were beautiful on her and would be beautiful on any woman that has them. Where the marks came from doesn’t matter.

  19. I have 23 burn scars on my skin done with a melting plastic. In my arm close of my wrist. I was abused. And when I got back into the dating game I used to “warn” the men but none of them cared a lot, a lot of them wanted to know the story behind it tho. At first I used to cover it with boxing bands even when riding the bus or the subway and one day I just forgot to cover it and I noticed they were so little than none of the person in there noticed my burn scars. I also have stretch marks and none cared or noticed them.

    And if they cared about some marks that were done while I was abused or by stretch marks that were done while my body was changing or in your case when you went through surgery, wouldn’t it make them look bad? Is not like you wanted them, same as me. You didn’t had an option, if you encounter someone that doesn’t want to date for you, better that he doesn’t… that is a huge red flag.

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