Ok so long story short, I’m really horny and dirty a lot of the time. I sometimes make dirty jokes and think sexually. My gf is not that dirty however, and always seems off when i mention something dirty. She can make jokes about horny stuff and i will laugh but whenever i say something or try something dirty she seems off. This is the only trouble in out relationship. I’m a person that likes the idea of a sexual part to a relationship however my gf just doesnt seem interested, my friends always talk about losing their virginity and doing dirty stuff with their gf’s and i feel quite sad and depressed inside knowing i haven’t had those memories yet. My gf makes jokes about us never doing dirty things but its got to the point where i actually believe her, and its taken a negative toll on me. Can someone please help 🙁 thank you.

  1. You don’t say how old you are, but I am presuming you are young. I am guessing your girlfriend is feeling a LOT of pressure from both you and your friend group to be engaging in sexual activities, but she is just not ready for it.

    It is likely that every time you make a joke, she interprets it as you trying to put pressure on her to have sex.

  2. People generally want to feel trust and respect in a relationship, especially women I’d personally add, before they’re ready to make themselves so extremely vulnerable. And I’m talking about people who have had sex before. You’re not even there yet.

    You’re likely doing the opposite by pressuring her and making her feel uncomfortable. It’s not a race and your friends are probably just talking shit anyway. If you care about her, calm down with the pressure and instead try supporting her process mentally and emotionally. The results from a proper connection with her will be much more satisfying sexually for you both.

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