I 21 f have been married to my husband 27m for 2 years and was wondering how I can keep things interesting for him. Our sex life is great but I feel I lack in areas like blowjobs and riding that kinda make me worry he’ll get bored. What can I do better? What makes a great blowjob? What techniques can I add to make him enjoy himself more?

  1. Don’t worry about the specific. Just make sure that you continue to find each other attractive. If he starts to lose motivation or let’s himself go, tell him. And make sure he is comfortable talking to you about when you are attractive/unattractive to him.

    Most people don’t cheat for just for sex they aren’t getting. They cheat because they aren’t happy in their relationship. Communicate and don’t make each other feel bad for being honest.

  2. Why are you so worried that he’ll get bored? Sounds like you guys have a better sex life than many and nothing is wrong. The only way to deal with fear of abandonment is therapy. You can’t someone’s dick enough to make them stick around if they’re not really invested anyway.

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