i had a call earlier today with a friend where she said her ex fucked up because he cheated with someone.

she said “he could’ve had a trophy wife, the perfect little cute family”. i’ve always heard trophy wife in movies, what exactly is that and if a woman desire to be a trophy wife, what does that usually say about her ?

  1. It means a wife that is usually much younger and more attractive than the husband and only married because it means she doesn’t have to work

  2. My understanding of a trophy wife is one that is exceptionally good looking, probably better than he would be expected to attract. And she is “perfect” in many ways, contributing a lot to him and to the family.
    I think that could look like a lot of different things, really.

    I’ve always thought there’s an implied tone that the man didn’t deserve this wife, so it seems often like a negative on the man more than the woman.

  3. Just like what it sounds like. A trophy in the shape of a wife. What do you do with trophies? Look at them, show them off to your friends. Display them. And that’s the role of the trophy wife, to be pretty and make his friends jealous.

  4. A secret international competition for who the best wife is. And now that you know the answer, a secret squad of Assassins will visit you tonight so that you forget all about this secret competition.

    No in all honest, I think what a trophy wife usually means is one that looks nice and is everything someone could want. But is not loved, or is not valued. In the context that you were talking about though it almost sounds like a good family wife for having the perfect looking family, or for raising kids. Almost like saying could have had the perfect family or the perfect wife, Wich I think of as a different context than what people mean when they say someone is a trophy wife.

  5. It’s when a man marries a woman because of what she will bring to his societal status, rather than because he actually wants to be with her.

  6. a woman who raises your status somehow, usually by just being very attractive. I don’t know why anyone would consciously want to become one though, very vapid lifestyle

  7. Something to show off like a new BMW.

    I was friends with a reasonably attractive PhD student, former gymnast. Her doctor boyfriend dumped her and got married to a pretty blond bubble head, aka trophy wife.

    When they are around 40 the trophy loses it’s attraction and they get divorced. Enter next younger trophy wife. When I was dating I started talking to several discarded trophy wives. They like to brag about what they got in the divorce. Put profile pictures up from a modelling career that ended 20 years ago. They are looking to be supported in the manner in which they are accustomed to. I never bothered meeting them.

  8. If someone calls themselves a catch/trophy or other synonyms, I think they have a bad ego and are too self centered to consider that the people around them that are part of their life are people too and not just side characters to pad out the cast of The All About Me show.

    I think if you want to be called a catch or a trophy, that’s up to someone else. Not saying validation should come from others but more like being considered humble, you can’t exactly call yourself humble, but if other people do, you probably are.

  9. Someone you like to show off and brag about giving you a sense that you’re winning in some sort of “social ladder” because they’re above their league and in a lot of situations are a stay at home wife/mother.

  10. A woman who is much younger than him and probably wouldn’t be with him if he wasn’t loaded.

  11. A wife a wealthy socialite gets not for love but to have a pretty thing on his arm in a “look I’m attractive/wealthy/influential/etc enough to pull a model/hot babe/etc” way.

  12. a “trophy wife” is a derogatory term invented by other jealous women
    Haters gonna hate

  13. > she said “he could’ve had a trophy wife, the perfect little cute family”.

    Yeah, that’s not what a trophy wife is.

    > i’ve always heard trophy wife in movies, what exactly is that and if a woman desire to be a trophy wife, what does that usually say about her ?

    Looks good but is otherwise not much of a relationship. She’s just there to enhance your social standing. Like owning a nice car.

    ONly women who strive to be trophy wives are gold diggers.

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