I (26 M) have been invited to a Xmas party hosted by some old school friends, they are all in relationships now , I am happy for them but the idea of being the only single one and during the holidays is making me feel awkward about this situation already. Its not for lack of trying just online dating has never worked out for me.
So should I attend or make an excuse not go to avoid possible embarrassment on my own behalf?

  1. Go to the party. You never know who you’ll meet, and you don’t know who your friends, or their paetners, might know.

  2. You know what the real play is; ask if one of their GF/BF have a single friend they can bring along.

    This is a way people get in relationships; couples in a relationship would host a party, invite their friends and then start playing matchmaker and invite their single friends so they could get hitched with their single friends.

    Regardless you should go, because by not going you gain nothing and lose a opportunity to spend time with your friends. If you do go, you get to see your friends and also meet their significant others and maybe they know someone and blah blah blah.

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