How do you cope when you speak to some people that behave like literal cavemen when it comes to social skills. As much as i try to listen everybody, i get extremely frustrated when people don’t care about listening me back and interrupting me all the time. I am phlegmatic person myself and i know that my temperament causes some difficulties when it comes to things like these. I noticed when i fixed my body language and got more confident about expressing my thoughts i got better results \*convos\* wise. People tend to treat you better when you dgaf about them and you are absent most of the time and what not. Cheap power play tricks i would say,which i m tired of doing. I just wanna be myself and dont do these stupid things….Discuss,any tips are welcome. 😀

1 comment
  1. It depends on the results you’re hoping to get. If you’re trying to “win” a conversation (ie ‘cheap power play tricks’) I don’t really have any advice on that.

    If you’re trying to make friends my idea is that people connect based on positive emotion, so that’s what you’re looking to generate when you’re with people.

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