Spent three weeks apart. I was taking care of mother and she was having serious health issues. At one point in life support for four days. She is getting better thankfully. I had no one to lean on during this time and looked forward to coming home to “my person”
I called to let him know I’d be home and then texted when I got home. He was at his daughters college football game. He made no attempt to come home and then didn’t leave until he got cold.
I was upset because I’d had an awful 3 weeks and missed him. I needed his support and he couldn’t be bothered to be here.
He shows up for everyone in his life, except for me. Not sure what to do at this point.
When I told him I was upset, he said he thought I had it all together and he didn’t know I was upset about my mothers health. Sorry, but I find it difficult that any human would disregard their spouse. I was gone for 3 weeks!!! He was busy and didn’t show up for me.

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