What’s your favorite body part/quirk/THAT mole? Is there a story behind it? Do tell!

  1. Not sure what causes it, but a lot of my skin is very elastic! I can stretch my lips back over my gums and teeth, and my tongue is stretchy too. I can *almost* lick my eye.

  2. I am covered in moles and sometimes new ones appear. My best friend lives several hours away and we often don’t see each other for years. A few years ago, we discovered that we both suddenly got a new mole in exactly the same spot, like a matching birthmark. Made us feel even more like real sisters.

  3. I have a mole near my armpit at the top of my boob. An old boyfriend was obsessed with it because he thought it was cute/sexy that no one else could see it. What’s wild is my daughter has one in the exact same spot.

  4. I like my nose. I’ve been told I have a nice nose and my friend once complimented my ‘slope’. I never paid attention to the shape of my nose before but since being told it looks nice, I like my nose.

  5. I have a beauty mark right under my nose and I hated it when I was younger but now I think it is so unique.

  6. I have a scar on my left pointer finger from when I was cutting a piece of pine with a giant toothed saw. I was a very impatient teenager, lol, and didn’t care about fine edges and splintering. It sliced the nerve so I never felt a thing, and looks pretty cool. No one but reddit has to know I chose to use the wrong tool and that’s what I have it.

  7. I have a freckle on my lip that I’ve always loved. I always felt that it gave me a classic look especially back when everyone was into that Marilyn Monroe mole trend. Mine is much smaller but still gives that retro vibe.

  8. I have a mole on each of my butt cheeks 😅! I didn’t notice until someone pointed it out to me

  9. I have weird feet. The gaps between my big toes and my other toes is so wide I can’t wear flip-flops because I can’t keep them on my feet! And yet sometimes catch myself looking down and wishing my big toes were thumbs. They kind of look that way and it would be cool to be able to hang upside down by my feet! LOLOLOLOL!!! Bizarre but true!

  10. I have a little one on my cheek under my eye. I think it’s cute. Gives my face some asymmetry and character. Part of my charm

  11. I like my scars. I’m covered in them from scrapes when I was a kid to self harm (I’m definitely not ashamed of those scars, they make me feel strong) and operations. I think my kidney scars are my favourite. I have one wrapping around my right hand side from where my right kidney was removed and I have one on the left side of my abdomen where my kidney transplant was put (I still have my native kidney on that side, it’s just disconnected. If I didn’t have those scars, I wouldn’t be here now.

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