What’s something you are shamelessly selfish about? No shame or guilt about it whatsoever.

  1. Sleeping in. Never having kids. Spending money on books. Masturbating frequently. Buying sex toys for myself.

  2. Prioritising my mental health. I saw someone say just the other day that mental health issues isn’t an excuse to cancel plans or not be social, and bro idgaf. If I feel my anxiety acting up it doesn’t matter if I’m personally invited to the royal wedding, I’m staying home. I’ve already deprioritised myself and my health enough because I’ve been so afraid of coming across as aloof or selfish. No more. I come first in my life.

    Also never having a relationship because I’m not interested in sharing my time, money, energy, body or space with someone else. And never having kids.

  3. What little sanity I have left. I no longer defend myself, I no longer participate with fights I am invited to, and I no longer worry if people think I am a good person.
    I am quick to cut off people who do not feel like a blessing, and I don’t engage with people who want to be a problem.
    Either you judge me by my actions, you treat me as you wish to be treated, or you GTFO my life.

  4. Work/life balance as well as changing jobs often.

    Idgaf about company loyalty. If I’m happy I’ll stay. But every time I’ve switched jobs (never had the same job for more than a few years) it was for a nice pay raise that I wouldn’t have come close to otherwise

    And for work/life balance I’m considering I might not take a promotion that’s probably coming next year, because they often work at night and even on weekends and I’m not into that life. Even though I’d actually like the job otherwise and would be $$

  5. Working with only money as your motivation. I hate when people say things like *you gotta do what you love* *and the money will follow,* or *do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.* No! Fuck that. I always thought that was propaganda spread by the already powerful and wealthy to diminish competition for their offspring.

    There is nothing I truely love doing that anyone would pay me for. No. For me its *Do what your best at, work hard, and you can eventually afford what you love and buy your dreams*. I love money, and I’m not ashamed to say it.

  6. Being alone. I am a single parent to 3 kids (2 neurodivergent) and I work with toddlers every day. When I have time to myself I want to be in an empty house, where it is quiet, doing nothing.

  7. Spending time away from our kids with my husband. I love no one else on earth like I love him and I prioritize our marriage over everything. We are good parents, but we also need time alone together.

  8. Only having one kid. Our families keep thinking we’ll change our minds and I’ve been told a thousand times lll forget the labor pain.

    But I had an “easy” pregnancy and the epidural was perfect. I just don’t want to share my life (or body) one more way. I can fit one kid into my life and still maintain much of myself and I love sharing it with him. But more than one and the dynamic shifts and I’m now trying to fit myself in around their lives. That just isn’t for me.

  9. My birthday. I don’t celebrate it with anyone. I leave town for almost a full week each year and barely talk to anyone. And I accept gifts, but I don’t pretend to be more grateful than I really am.

    I really dislike the the pressure to celebrate with people and pretend to love everything you recieve. So I just don’t.

  10. When I want attention from my boyfriend…I’m not overly annoying but I think sometimes I could be less. But as someone who hasn’t had a good relationship before til now I finally know this bliss feeling I kept having to watch with friends and in movies

  11. My sleep. I will be in bed for at least 9 hours a night for the sake of my health and sanity.

    My rest. I’m chronically ill. I have less energy than most people. I need to rest more, so I do. If I try to push through, I’ll be wrecked the next day.

  12. Spending money on holidays and what people think are frivolous eg: handbags, skincare, homewares, dining out.

  13. Personal time away from work. When I clock out for the day or weekend… I’m gone. I don’t care what needs done or who needs what. I work hard, and then I get to relax.

  14. Saying no. It’s such a little thing, but there’s so many people ready to slide past your boundaries or guilt trip you into moving them.

  15. My alone time. I walk 6 miles a day and that’s my time. I have to have it. It just helps me get away from everything and I can clear my mind. I’ve been a bit down today and I actually ended up going on 2 walks and was just in my head thinking about things.

  16. I would not do anything I don’t want to do unless is absolutely necessary (as working out or seeing the dentist).

    I would not rush or delay my plans for anyone unless it is absolutely necessary (bad weather happens)

  17. I don’t care if I hurt your feelings or what you need from me, if I think I am right or I don’t want to do something I come first

  18. being kind but forceful in putting up boundaries when needed because a lot of people can’t take a hint I suppose

  19. Being treated well and being valued and respected. I know what I bring to the table, and more often than not, people will take you for granted if you don’t know your worth. As women, we are always told to adjust, but being valued and respected as human beings is the most basic thing, and I cannot be in places that tell me otherwise.

  20. My personal space. I will inform someone about my boundaries if they don’t pick up on my body language. I will enforce my boundaries, harshly if necessary, and don’t give a damn if someone’s feelings get hurt. According to my mother, I have been this way since I was a toddler.

  21. I’ve been told I’m selfish for not having or wanting children. I don’t believe that is selfish. Having children for the wrong reasons is selfish. However, a lot of people seem to think it’s selfish to not have children, so I guess that. Otherwise, I would say my time. I’m not spending time on anything that I don’t want to. If I don’t want to go somewhere or do whatever for whatever reason, I say no and I don’t do it. I spent way too much time in my life doing shit that I didn’t really want to do, that includes things like helping friends move, going to social events I didn’t care about, attending MLM type “parties,” etc. Nope, done.

  22. The moment I recognize that a friend is using me just for car rides or whatever, but doesn’t want to spend time with me, I’m done with them.

  23. I don’t donate to fundraisers or charities. If anybody sends me an invite to donate, I just ignore it.

  24. My computer. It’s my space and I don’t want anyone else touching it, not even my husband. We share 99.9999% of everything else. He doesn’t mind that I want this for just me.

  25. Having a bath or spa day. I go alone to the spa, its my secret chill spot.

    I unfortunately told a few people my favourite place so il keep quiet sbout it now!

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