I’m 25 and when it comes to manliness i’m not very gifted.
My voice is weak and not deep, i have few facial hair, my bones are very thin (5.9 inch wrist) and hzve trouble gaining weight.

In terms of lifestyle i already lift consistentlyand eat healthy, but i don’t have any friends or girlfriends so i’m kind of bored in my daily life.

What would you recommand to look more manly ?

  1. Grow some stubble and wear underarmour and nike air max. Get a neck tattoo or some hand tattoos, posture yourself properly when you walk. Be more assertive.

  2. Watch the rational male on YouTube. First thing he would say is you need some tribes. Gym tribe, work tribe, friends tribe, etc.

    Human being are social animals, you need more socialization.

  3. You’ll find that trying to put yourself to a variable standard of being “manly” is redundant and counterproductive. You should focus on your character, skills, and education above being manly. It’s a waste of time and will end up hurting you more than helping you.

  4. The most manly thing you can do is take on responsibility. Good fathers are the most manly men I know because of their love and commitment.

  5. I think it’s time to work on changing your views on what manly actually is.

    Facial hair doesn’t make you more of a man, neither does your voice or any of the other things you’ve mentioned.

    I think working on your self esteem and going to a gym and working out will definitely help. On top of that getting mental health help would be beneficial as well. Remember: reaching out for help doesn’t make you less manly. It does the exact opposite in my opinion.

    Another thing, being more social and pushing yourself to go out more to make friends is a good idea too. It’s also important to remember just because you don’t have a girlfriend doesn’t make you less than a man. The secret, I’ve learnt from the men in my life? What makes them more manly is the fact that they’re secure in themselves and don’t rely on outside resources like a woman to make them feel more like a man.

    I think it’s really harmful to put a definition to what it means to be a man because you already are a man. You’re already manly because of that. I hate how society, and women, push off this viewpoint that if you don’t do xyz than you’re not a man/manly. It’s toxic as hell and just hurts men. It’s not true. I hope you can get to the point where you no longer believe that just because you look or sound a certain way means you’re less than or not manly because that’s simply not true.

  6. Let that semen retention kick in for a few weeks. See how you feel and take it from there.

  7. Look more manly? idk try not to look like you’re not confident in yourself. Most of the time, these type of people tend to look scared, uncertain, try to take up the least amount of space.

  8. Confidence is something that is a good trait in anyone. It is hard to just “be confident” and is something I struggle with but I have noticed that in areas where I have spent time learning and have developed skills I have a lot easier of a time expressing myself and being more confident. I’m 20 right now, but when I was in Boy Scouts my year had the the three years above us be practically empty and the others were busy most of the time so I was almost forced to teach and lead kids only a year younger. Now I can recognize how much that helped to build confidence in myself. As a side effect if I don’t have knowledge on a topic I loose confidence quickly.

  9. Manliness isn’t how deep your voice is or your wrist circumference. It’s based in your character. Do you provide for and protect others? Do you lead? Are you engaged in something you can master? Do you devote your life to a higher purpose.

    Do you take responsibility for your life and take action to solve problems rather than complain or blame or leave it to someone else to fix? Are you constantly making effort and progress towards your goals. Are you ambitious, committed, and direct? Are you out there competing, working towards a win?

    While not just the behaviour of men, these types of behaviours are masculine. Having high levels of testosterone, for instance, tends to increase goal-driven behaviour. You become more aggressive and direct in the way you live your life. You become action oriented. These are the things that make men masculine. Not physical attributes.

  10. I am what you would describe as manly, body image wise. But I have never bought into the whole manly body image idea or the need to be in a tribe. Biggest thing I learned was the important of finding purpose in what you do. Manliness is a superficial facade and tied too closely with body image and behaviour. Purpose grows something special deep inside of you and brings out your true self.

  11. Confidence. None of that other crap matters if you command every room you step into.

  12. Train a combat sport. It will make your confidence increase a lot if you stick with it.

  13. Why don’t you have any friends? I’d start by getting involved in doing things (not online) in which you’ll meet people and can create some friendships. That’s manly.

    Then I’d use that momentum to grow more and more confident in exactly the genetic hand you were dealt, while getting better at the new activities you’re doing, educating yourself, and being a secure, kind human being–the deep self-confidence that will lead to is manly as fuck.

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