Is there anything you know you should let go off but you haven’t yet? why?

  1. I had a really good friend growing up. Dude had a really rough home life mentally and physically abusive parents. Kid refused to shower after gym class because of the bruises. When I was 16 I told my parents about well everything and he lived with us for a few years. He moved out got into drugs and shit like that. We lost touch. A decade later I found out he died and I’m kinda blaming myself a bit although I know I shouldn’t.

  2. 6 plastic bins filled with my late husband’s stuff in the garage. I kept what had emotional value to me when I was cleaning out his home office and dresser/closets in the weeks after he died and 2 years later, I’m pretty sure I’d feel differently about a lot of the things I chose to save, but it’s easier to compartmentalize and forget about it than deal with it.

    I’ll save that project for if I ever run out of space in the garage or downsize to a smaller house.

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