Does this qualify as abuse?

Yesterday my husband and I got into a fight. It started getting heated so I turned to walk away and next thing I know I’m being hit in the back of the head by his drinking cup and water goes everywhere. I run to my room shut the door and he comes in and pushes me into the tv stand I fall then he picks me up holds me against the wall choking me. He was screaming at me to fight him and I just sat down and cried until he finally left. He left some marks on my neck. We have been together 13 years and this has never happened but now I’m scared of him but also I’m scared I’m just being dramatic and should just let it go. Can someone just give me some insight as to what you think? I’m heartbroken honestly but also scared. I don’t know what to do.

  1. Umm of course that is abuse. Absolutely no question.

    It doesn’t matter that he’s never done it before. I urge you to seek help and remove yourself from the situation. Research into people that strangle a partner shows very alarming prospects for the victim.

    This is older, but very scary

    Edit: I love my husband dearly, and he has always been a great husband, but if he ever did that even once, there is no question I would leave him. I’d be devastated, but I’d do it. Please leave now.

  2. If someone asked you that same question with everything you wrote out what would your answer be?

    You need to report this to the police and let friends and family know.

  3. This is very serious. He’s choked you. The odds of him killing you have just gone up 750%. You are in serious danger here. Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at or 800-799-7233. Good luck.

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