Good morning men. What are your plans for the day?

  1. GM. Going to stretch/yoga. Drop my son off for his SAT. Gym. Mow the lawn. Pick up son from SAT. Light cleaning. Nap. Take my wife to dinner for her birthday.

  2. I just finished a night shift, dang City been blowing up transformers left and right due to storm, turn in for the day. Something else catches fire call A SHIFT 🤣🤣

  3. Having been at work for the past 7 hours or so?
    1) I’m going to go home, set up my curbside pickup for groceries. Proceed to sleep at about 10AM, because despite being tired now? I’ll be wide awake when I get home.

    2) Prepare for D&D.

    3) Acknowledge I have chores to do. Promptly forget about them.

    4) Spend the rest of the day with my wife.

    5) Remember I have no good bard songs ready. Proceed to stress.

    6) Hopefully drink to unwind.

  4. Get off work at 6am I think I’ll hit the gym after , get some breakfast then get some sleep. I should be up at 1pm I’ll do some reading and maybe some drinks tonight with friends we will see.

  5. Got up, had a wash and some breakfeast. Have a shave. my girlfriend who i haven’t seen all week is coming over and we’re going to play some spyro (her favourite game) together. Then I’m driving her to a hair appointment. After that we’re driving to another city for dinner and a concert (her favourite band). And we’ll be back in the early hours of tommorow. Should be a great day.

  6. feed the cat, cuddle the cat 😺

    read 📚

    watch 🎾

    write some french 🇫🇷

    go for a nice long walk 🚶‍♂️

    do the food shopping 🛒

    meet up with some friends in the evening 🥂

    watch fireworks go bang bang 🎆

    sleep 😴

  7. Make the kids breakfast. Mow the lawn and try not to run over the kids. Wake the wife up with coffee. Wash the cars. Clean the basement. Reheat leftovers for lunch. Put my son down for a nap. Restring the overhead lights on the back deck (wind storm took them down a couple weeks ago). Relax with neighbors in the driveway, watch some football, drink a couple beers.

  8. It’s a day off on Saturday so currently coffee, then gym and cardio lunch and then gaming

  9. As little as possible. I injured my shoulder two weeks ago and things are getting worse and I have been having trouble using my arm. I might not be able to work soon and I live alone so I don’t have anyone to help me.

  10. Work at the job that I pretend to like for more hours than I’m technically supposed to just like every weekend. Say “hey guys only 7 more weeks till Christmas” think in my head “only 7 more weeks till I can get a fat payday (Christmas bonus and lots of tips as i work as a server in a diner) and get the hell out of here” come home and unwind. Do it all over again for 7 weeks.

  11. Woke up 30mins ago. Need to see my friends but also have a commitment clashing with those plans. Tryna figure out a way to do both

  12. Woke up, took my meds with some coffee, currently getting ready to bike for an hour, buy some new hiking boots, get brunch, bike back home, chill for a bit, meet up with some friends for a casual get together

  13. Replace propane tank, get a lifting session in, meal prep, watch football (Ohio State), & attend a wedding.

  14. * Shit, Shave and Shower
    * Breakfast
    * Lunch with a friend
    * Septum Piercing
    * Make Dinner and probably game.

  15. Driving to Maryland for the weekend for paintball practice leading up to World Cup next week.

  16. Good morning! It’s 5:45 am. I’m laying in bed waiting for the rest of my family to wake up. Pretty pumped for today.

    Once wife is up and around (had a cup of coffee), we will get our kids situated with breakfast and then we will hit the gym for leg day.

    Post-gym we will stop and grab some iced coffee from my favorite place.

    We will come home and start our favorite chili and let that do its thing all day.

    Around noon we are headed to a friends with said chili where we will hang out and drink beer, smoke a little weed, and possibly get in to some party games.

    Come home and let my drunk wife take advantage of me in whatever way she wants.

    Shower. An episode of some bloody anime. Sleep.


  17. I woke up at 8am, played mount and blade while having a capuccino. Now I am in a cannabis club smoking a joint and eating churros. Then I’ll go have some groceries which is hard while high but I am used to. I just avoid the chocolate section.

    Then I’ll go home because it is cold outside and maybe order some food. I’m high as a kite.

  18. 1.Go to gym

    2.clean room

    3. Declutter – looking to minimize possessions

    4. Catch up with friends/family

    5. Continue finding new music – suggestions anyone?

    6. Continue no contact with recent ex

  19. Just make it through the day. Broke up with my girlfriend on Wednesday and it’s still affecting me heavily. I have to be at work in an hour, then I’ll come home afterwards and try to play games with friends to take my mind off of it.

  20. I’ve not been on a date for over a year, I’m going on a date tomorrow and realize my place needs a good clean just in case things go well. Today I’m sorting out my apartment, getting a hair cut, and making myself more presentable. I like this woman and want to make a good impression.
    Edit: Thanks for all the support! As an update She didn’t turn up, so I’m going to the gym to distract myself.

  21. Hour 7 of a 16 hour shift. After that, take a shower, have a cup of tea and put my feet up for 30 min, then see about making dinner for family.

    Then help with homework (I hate math), then start laundry.

    End of the evening involves me painting minis while watching a movie with my son. Please let it not be another damn star wars or marvel movie.

    Then I get ready for work in the morning and do it all again.

  22. Probably spend most of the day in front of my laptop screen, wasting my life, as I usually do 🤷‍♂️

  23. I’m going to work for the next several hours. I took pork chops out of the freezer, I’m thinking I’ll have one of those and some peas and carrots for dinner. Hoping to be in bed by 9

  24. Showing up to my buddies house to help him hang Christmas lights…wearing a Santa hat, bondage harness, and Santa boxer briefs with beers in my hand.

    He thinks I’m just going to be wearing normal clothes to hang Christmas lights. As if.

  25. Scroll Reddit while I finish my coffee.

    Work out (leg day)

    Weekly Costco run

    Take my son to get a haircut

    Take my daughter to tennis practice

    Watch some college football in between.

  26. Good morning! I have the house to myself today (which is a rare occurrence), so I have a full day of video games and hanging out with the dog planned. Might also clean my rifle at some point. Work this past week was a bit crazy and I’ve been feeling a bit down lately, so I might treat myself to dinner out somewhere to cap it all off.

  27. Well I’m in the bathroom right now but once I’m done I’m going to spend some time with my son and make us toast and eggs. After that I have a job interview at 1030 for an assistant pastry chef position so hopefully that goes well. Once I’m done with the interview I’m gonna come gome and clean while my fiance takes my son to see her grandma then to finish the day I’ll start a pot roast that should be ready around 1800 or so. Hopefully things go to plan and it’s a good day.

  28. Celebrating my birthday. 44 years and in a good place.

    My kids are here, and my three brothers show up in 5 minutes together with my mom.

  29. I woke up, went to the gym, did some groceries. Have a lady coming over and I am making lunch and potentially dinner.

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